The Lighter - Part 1

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It's been a year since the last chapter.

"Darling, its time"

"You sure?"

"I can't hide you anymore, it was very hard this year, even though you didn't been around the most of the year"

"You looked sexy in BGT and AGT, I got very jealousy, Amanda and Haidie is TOO touchy feely with you"

"Come to The X Factor auditions with me and believe me I wouldn't make you jealous with anybody"

"So we will be official, I can kiss you around? Watch it Cowell, you should get use to my lipstick on your lips"

"As long you don't share this with anyone alse, I can get use to it"

We are now are an very fancy hotel room, it very rainy October night and I feel Simon turns me around

"Before we will share our love with the world, there is something I want and need to do..."

Simon puts out the ring box from his packet"

"I knew you already showed you this ring... But darling this time I want to make you understand why I dremt to give you this ring for 10 years now"

Now Simon lead me to the living room and set me on a chair

"When I was 7 or 8, daddy set me on this very chair and talked with me on true love and the right woman for me... He ordered me to ask the hand of my true love with that ring... I can't even count how many times I planed to ask you to marry me or almost asked you, cause I couldn't hold it anynore but got cold feet, but now, in this moment, I am asking you not because it the right time or the right situation, I realized in the last year, that I need to call you my wife cause I can't see my life without you by my side, daddy told back then then the one for will teach me what real love is, and I can tell you what it is... true love is when I can control the smile whenever I hear your name, true love is this moment you come back from your tour and made me breakfast to bed and woke me up with the biggest smile I saw in long time, true love it when I found myself thinking maybe I should fly to be with you in Australia, true love is when I knew that you would say yes when I ask you to marry but still have stupid smile of my face when I see your smile..."

And have so many more things to say but Paula stops me.

"True love is when... YOU make me feel alive when you just wink at me"

Now she jumps on me

"Now you can kiss your bride, sexy''

"I don't think the Rabbi will say it like that"

"Umm... That's what I will tell you under the else"

"You can say it according to the role book?"

"I never follow any role when I'm with you, so why would I start mow?"

"So that is a yes?"

"It was a yes when you planed to ask me back when I first came to visit you in London honey"

"You knew what I planed?"

"Of course not, but I felt like you want me to feel more then just co worker that you love to shagg with, I felt welcomed by your family, like they are my oun"

"Although it was you first time ever meeting my family, it felt like you already my wife, it was scary but it felt right"

"So why you didn't asked me then, I was ready to steam from happiness from the rooftop mum's house"

"Fear, don't know from what actually"

"You daffently the sexiest husband ever''

"I'm old"

"You are in great shape since you stopped your drinking and smoking routines"

"'I really never forget how Happy you were when you came back and I told you that I stopped smoking, I told Ben (his doctor) I am doing it because you sound very sad every time I tell you that I'm in my cigarette break and I want toake you happy when you get back from the tour"

"I wished to be those cigarettes, I felt so loney without you in the tour"

''I was afraid that someone used your loneness and dricken you to sleep with him it looks like the men are very into you"

"I think I was very clear that I'm yours, I wore your shirt in my hotel room and I used your lighter to work with the guss"

"You really love this lighter. ha?"

"It was the lighter that started the fire between us, remember?"

"Like it was yesterday"

"It was a party at Randey's, I spoke with Erica and you tried to light up a cigarette in my face"

"Instead of telling me to turn it down you just took it out from my hand but before you could take it I grabed your body and hold you close and tight to me"

"Instead of taking the ligber from my hand you hold my face and you kissed me and suddenly I heard the lighter fall on the floor"

"I was so into the kiss that I didn't even relize that Erica want back to the house and we stayed alone"

"When the kiss ended I bant down to take it and give it back to you"

''I was very aware, I stared at you and wonder if you would aprove it if I bant on top of you and kissed you on your neck"

"I took my time because I thought you felt that I wanted you to do actually that"

"When you gave me the lighter back... I didn't even remembered I wanted to light a cigarette"

"I told you: cigarette break isn't good for your health... I'm happy you shouldn't use that this time"

And you told me the most romantic thing someone said to me in LONG time: "This lighter lights up the best cigarette I had in a long time, someday you would realize you are the only cigarette I need in life" and then we came back inside and we never tolked about this moment again".

"You know that I never use that lighter again and then in pmee of the Fridays in the audition tour you ran out of matches so I came behind you and gave you the lighter and when you lighted up the second kandell you asked me to hold your hand and I just did that and tben you kissed me on my lips I actually pictured it as part of my future and surspisingly it didn't freaked me out"

"You asked me to come with you to some pub but I was tired"

"That was the worst night out I had in my life, I missed you and Ryan kept interduce me to the models or whatever they were and then you sand me that massege, I still rember that one I almost can hear you say "I can't sleep, I had a nightmare, I need you" I don't even remember how I got to your room"

"I opened the door and hudged you and smiled all the feegmances of the other girls and told you "I knew I shouldn't let you go, she was sexyier then me"and you looked me in the eyes "Tell me what man in his right mind would even think about chatting on you, this girls were nothing, I don't even payed attontion to what they said to me, I was to busy thinking about the kandells lady" I smiled to you I gave you the lighter and you smile and told me that you will take it but now we will go to bad, then you took me in your arms while I wonder of you would stay if I ask you to stay it was very late and I thought you would love to sleep in your room"

"Before I came back to you Randy asked me if you find matches, I smiled like a fool and told him I gave you my lighter and then he asked me if I been at your room before I came there I told him that I relized that I shouldn't leave you alone and then i shows them your massege anda angry look Ryan "I hope she wouldn't think I had hot date because all those hofall smalls all those girls left on me, I didn't let any of then answer and came straight back to you"

"You know how good I felt when you held me this night? You never asked me what my nightmare was about, it was about you, I dreamt I lost you in car crush"

"You know no one held me that tight, I relize it might have something to do with your nightmare and I got scared I started to feel we are getting to deep in feeling I never felt before"

"I felt your hold on to me Simon it wearmed my body that's why I draged you back to bed when I suddenly felt cold"

"You were asleep I thought I should leave"

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