Hollywood Scene

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After the AGT finale I hadn't met Paula or Simon but Lauren came to me to talk - in In some weird way she sees me as her friend - I'm not.

I'm Simon's friend and Paula's great friend and I hate her for the fact she makes both of them misrable - yes, Paula is doing great with her stuff and she is happy but when I go to her house to have dinner she seems so lonley even if John is around - he can't make her smile and the spark isn't in her eyes and her laugh is fake but with Simon it's worse - he gets no nerves for anything - his drive is gone he wishes XF will burn and Paula will save him - with Lauren it's even darker - for him she is the reason Paula isn't with him - he hates when she is trying to kiss him when the cameras is on them because he feels like he is hurting Paula when he she watch it happens.

"Hi Lauren what's up?"

"He got his mood again - I'm tried of this grumpy boy"

"You talking about Eric or Simon?"

"Both - Eric is just like his father - I can't clam him down"

"Simon told me the little boy can't fall a sleeo lately"

"I pretty surpise he noticed, he is stuck in his home office and I see his face mayne once in 2 days when he comes to sleep in the bad"

"Sex would help - Simon's use to clam a bit when we slept together"

"Can you have sex with walking dead? I can't"

"He needd LA"

"No he needs to fucking let me in I want to help him"

"You kidding right? You can't help him"

"If he let me I would"

"You want to help him? Bring his poodlle to London"

"The stupid little monsters are with us - oh how much I hate them you don't have a clue"

"His favorite little monster isn't here and you know it"

"If she would be here he wouldn't look at me for one moment"

"He doesn't do it anyway, he just searching for her in the room sometimes"

"How she manage to put this strong apall on him?"

"Simple she makes him feel like super man not because he sppoild her or give her work just because when she look at him. like really look at him with her smile he knows he is HER superman"

"But I do to"

"You know that Paula used to canceled very importent meetingst to help Simon with his mood, in pne time I was annoyed to find her in my house with him but I relizef she is the only one he lets help him with it so I got use to have her there"

"I am with him too but he doesn't let me in"

"Call her"

"She wouldn't come"

"She would've been there long ago if YOU asked her to come"

"What? You say he asked her to come?

"Every day - I looked in her masseges - she keeps tell him it's not good idea"

"Why? She is admiting she will be all over him?"

"You kidding? If she would've been around Simon wouldn't let go of her for a minute, In 2009 in the final round of X Factor she was secertly working on the show, in the breaks he would be in the dressing room with her and they acted like married couple - I never seen him that happy In X factor UK and since then he looks dead when I my coming to visit h.in the finales"

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