Envelope #6

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***the letter***


The other day, I thought of using my feet instead of my car.
I went walking to all the places I needed to be at.
The locations were close to each other, so I had no problem. In fact, it was all in all refreshing.

To my first destination I was actually feeling neutral. I had to be at a specific place, at a specific time, meeting a couple of friends.. it was actually normal to feel anything, it wasn't a big deal!

The purpose of this letter is not in my gathering, but it actually was in the guy I ran into.

I was actually walking straight, looking at the sidewalk in front of me, and of course there were strangers all around the place.

And then, it happened that there's this guy who was walking the opposite way, and at some point he had to pass by me. It's not a choice, the sidewalk was large enough to fit around 10 individuals walking at the same rate, shoulder to shoulder.

It was just a coincidence, or maybe fate. Well now that I really think about it, I guess it's really fate.

So my eyes were wandering around, normally, and at some point when the guy, I never saw before, was at a good close distance, my eyes locked with his. And it's like his eyes work with his mouth, and it was like he knew that I will look at him. Because next thing you know, he was genuinely smiling at me.

For a fraction of seconds, my heart froze, my mind committed suicide, and maybe my eyes widened in shock. But I know that I felt wrong not to return the smile back, so I quickly did, and it actually was from the heart, after defrosting it.

He made me question myself all the way to that gathering I had to attend. That little lovely act of him made me go into a million analysis, and to say it changed my state would be an understatement!

Moments like these give you life, make you feel like you're not alone in this world, like you can do it, like you're not invisible!
Normally,  we walk the streets with millions of strangers by our side, they are practically humans, made the same way we are made, but we act deadly to each other. It's like I know you're there but you're not, because I don't know who you are, so I walk around like I am the only one on the street, yet again I am not alone.

So I kept on thinking about this little moment, that have strock me hard. It was a fraction of seconds with a lot of affection.

If I only can see this man again, I would give him a hug right now!
And of course it's Allah who sent him, so Alhmadullilah!

The thoughts played in my head and I found myself submitting a final order to my brain.
I decided to try it myself with people around.

When the gathering ended, I obviously had to go back home, so the moment I left, I tried my best to come across people and look them in the eyes until they do, so I can deliver a quick heartbreaking smile.

Basically I didn't go for the opposite sex because I thought that this little act of mine could send the wrong message. Even if my intentions are totally pure.

The great thing about all this is that; it worked!
I noticed that humans are dead inside when they're walking on the streets, but once I smiled their way it's like you gave water back to a rose!
And I understood what they actually felt because I was there, at their place a few hours ago.

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