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Chapter 15

Toshiko and Nakata made their way through the deep, dark candy forest. Watchful eyes scanned them as they walked. The hoot of an owl startled Toshiko, she screamed and ran to Nakata. He laughed at her. "Haha, it is only an owl". "Ugg....Nakata, after what we have faced, i am surprised you are not trembling", pouted Toshiko. "No, i am not scared, it is just a game", replied Nakata. She stared at him and then looked away, walking slightly ahead. "Well.......i'm still scared, i have not got my weapon back yet.....unlike you who has a gun and sword". "Why did you not go back and get it earlier?", questioned Nakata. Toshiko looked down at the ground, "Because you got hurt and we did not have time". Nakata smiled and walked over to some nearby bushes, "Ha, you need to stop worrying so much". Toshiko took in a deep breath and frowned, she let out a big sigh and followed him. "mmm, these bushes smell like mint chocolate", smiled Toshiko. Nakata nodded, "Yes, they are mint chocolate....but they are crunchy and sharp.....probably because they are dead", replied Nakata, snapping a branch off.

Toshiko disappeared into the bushes, fumbling around. "OW, FLIP THIS HURTS!!", she shouted. Nakata pulled a face, "What are you doing, jumping into the bushes?". Toshiko gave a sarcastic tone to her voice, "Oh i don't know, it's not like i'm looking for my weapon or anything!". "Sheesh ok", replied Nakata, frowning. "Ow, aha, that is spiky, stupid bushes!!!", cursed Toshiko, having a tantrum. Nakata slapped his hand to his face, laughing. "Hey don't laugh you meanie!", cursed Toshiko. Nakata laughed more. "Ugh", Toshiko sighed in temper. Suddenly she cheered in happiness, "Yes i got it, oh yes!!!". She swung her scythe up in the air and slashed it down on the bushes, tearing them out of her way. She skipped down the bush-less track she had created and gave Nakata a huge smile, "lookie here, i found it!". "Lookie?", questioned Nakata. "It is a cute way of saying look", replied Toshiko. Nakata's face lit up, "Oh right, ok....well done". Toshiko pulled a scared expression, suddenly running  away from Nakata. "Toshiko, where are you?-". Suddenly he heard a slash sound and an inhuman scream. He ran to the location Toshiko was at and froze in shock. "I saw a ware wolf we did not get rid of, i did not want it to attack", said Toshiko, walking toward Nakata. "Good for you, i am glad you spotted it...vile thing", laughed Nakata. "Nee, you look really beat up Toshiko; you are covered in wounds and you are still bleeding from your head and arm", said Nakata, his face worried. "Nee, i am fine...just a bit sore", smiled Toshiko. Nakata returned the smile and walked up to the ware wolf. He searched it and found a heart shaped pill. He walked over to toshiko and held out his hand, "Here eat this, it will erase those injury's". "Thank you", she smiled and took the heart pill from Nakata, eating it. Suddenly her injury's lit up and vanished.

"We both have life guage's of 100% now" cheered Nakata. Toshiko high fived him. "I want to find Kyary", ordered Toshiko. "What, Kyary is here?!", exclaimed Nakata. Toshiko nodded, "Yes, we had to split up when we came to a two way path...we were trying to find Kashiyuka". Nakata pulled a face full of shock, "What, how many people are in this game?". "There is Kyary, Kashiyuka, A-Chan, Nocchi, you and me", responded Toshiko. "WA- HOW ON EARTH DID I MISS ALL OF THAT?!", shouted Nakata in shock. "Because you were the only one in this level when i got killed, but everyone caught up with you", said Toshiko in a funny voice. "Yeah well, i order you to live and survive until we get out of here, otherwise i will have to spend all of my time finding you again", ordered Nakata, pointing at Toshiko with a very serious face. "Awwwww, you would come and find me, thank you Nakata, i know i have a friend that cares haha!", cheered Toshiko. "Yes well.....whatever, i hope you would do the same for me!", muttered Nakata. Toshiko pouted, "Well duh!....of course i would!". Nakata gave her a thumbs up and carried on walking to the split path. Toshiko followed.

Nakata stopped walking up the dirt path and finally came to a halt. "Is this the side that Kyary took?", questioned Nakata, pointing to the left path. Toshiko nodded and began to walk down the path Kyary had took. She and Nakata gasped, everything was covered with snow. Toshiko looked at the floor, "Look, Kyary's foot steps are still imprinted un the snow, we can follow them". "Great idea Toshiko", remarked Nakata. "Thank you", smiled Toshiko. They followed the footsteps to the end of the path, a snow filled forest lay ahead of them. Toshiko and Nakata followed the footsteps deep into the forest.........but still no sign of Kyary. "KYARY!!!!!!", shouted Toshiko. "WHERE ARE YOU?!!!", shouted Nakata. No answer. Nakata wandered deeper into the forest, looking ahead to see if he could spot Kyary. Toshiko looked at her objective screen and gasped. She spotted a skull next to her 'DELETE' shift ability. "What on earth could this mean?", she questioned to herself. She moved her finger closer to the screen. ready to click the 'DELETE' shift ability icon. She hesitated and sighed. She ran to find Nakata. As she ran, she noticed she had a shadow under her feet, it appeared to be her own. She kept on running. Nakata had disappeared. Toshiko panicked, "NAKATA!!", she called. No reply. She looked down and noticed her shadow was gone. "What on shadow is...gone", gasped Toshiko. Suddenly Nakata appeared in front of her. He hand gestured for her to follow him as he walked backwards. Slowly, she followed him. He went near a giant tree surrounded with fire and metal spikes. "Nakata, is Kyary here?", questioned Toshiko with a hopeful face. Nakata said nothing, still urging her to come closer. She followed and got closer, "Is Kyary behind the tree?". Nakata said nothing and ran behind the tree. Toshiko ran behind the tree, but Nakata was gone.

A sharp hiss came out of nowhere, and a sharp pain shot through Toshiko's face. She flew into the air and landed hard on the cold hard ground. She screamed and held the left side of her face, struggling to her feet. She was dizzy. "What just hit me?......", said Toshiko, gripping her face. Her mouth bled. Suddenly Nakata swung his sword at her. She dodged it and lost her balance. falling to the floor. Nakata! you can't!!!..................................please!". Nakata hissed and laughed hard, edging closer to Toshiko. "TASUKETE KUDASAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", screamed Toshiko.

Kyary heard a scream near to the entrance of the forest. "That sounded like Toshiko!", shouted Kyary. She ran as fast as she could to aid her friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but would she get there in time?..................................................

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