Helping an Problem

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I woke seeing the sun peek through my window while hearing sirens sounds, horn blaring and most importantly people chattering among me. I walked downstairs to the kitchen seeing Dylan gather behind the stove with his back turned flipping eggs over the pan.

"Hey Gabe breakfast is almost done" he said pouring coffee in the mug

"Thanks" I said "you know something just comes to me" I walked closer to him

"Oh really? Like what?" Dylan said handing me my plate

"Well like the reason you call me here" As I sat to the table and digged into my eggs I heard of Dylan small laugh that instantly makes me nervous

"Well I basically have an friend that needs help an your the only person that I know that could help"

"Like what?" I asked raising my eye brows in concern

" Flimaking" he said

I sighed and dropped my fork not wanting to eat anymore as I push my plate away "look he desperately need help and your the only person I know that could help him and besides you get paid"

"I'm not going to work for some rich asshole who thinks he could push me around and I'm certainly not going to get his coffee or anything" I said

"Please'' he begged   ''he's not like that I already told him your going to do it" Said Dylan meanwhile I rolled my eyes and snorted "that's what they all say"

"No really Gabe he's not like that" he said

For an moment he looked at me like an little brother would do one that would admired him for all those little accoplishments that didn't really matter but that makes him an shining star in his eyes. It's was the type of look that I would give to all of my brothers when I was little that would all somehow fade as I got older.

''Fine'' I mumbled

Dylan's eyes light up as he heard my answer but he remain cool as he glance my face ''Thanks Gabe'' he simile and for an second I flashed an little simile ''Now come on get dressed were going there now'' he flashed an another simile as he throw his car keys at me ''and your driving''

The movie set was somewhere far off New York in the middle of an park that exposed the lake an everywhere else. I parked the car that was nearby the set but yet wasn't at the same time that way if the director was an dick I could just hop in the car an run. As we walk further people was running forward to the set carrying numerous amount of equipment and was talking in hushed tones like there afraid of people hearing their consveration. We finally reach to an big trailer that was an size of a house Dylan simile an knock on the door 3 times we waited for an moment which seems like hours to me at one point I was about to walk away when the door opened.

''Dylan'' shouted the guy as he walk up giving him an hug Dylan similed back ''How's it's going Dave?''

''Oh Fine fine everything fine'' he similed back ''Are you ready for the big sence?''

''Yeah but before we start this is my brother Gabe'' I looked at him up and down automatically recognizing him Dave Hollis an world-famous director that could direct anything you could ever seen such as actions movies, fanasty movies, fiction movies, even indie films that would somehow goes to the top. He would sometimes direct music videos of the famous artists an even to the not-so-famous artists that would appear all way to the top too. If Dave Hollis is directing this movie, his movie then why the hell he needs my help? 

'' it's finally nice to meet you Gabe'' he said smiling as he reach out to shake my hand

''So what is it that I'm supposed to help you with?'' I asked looking around

''Oh well it's just the scene were doing today I just need some feedback that's all''

I looked at Dylan then at Dave and shrugged the quicker I could do this the quicker I could go home ''Fine show me what you got'' I said As I walked further to the scene I noticed an even bigger trailer that was the size of my house back home.

''Dave whose trailer is that?'' I asked

''Oh Charlie Hobbs the star of the movie'' he said as we walked further into the set ''and don't worry you get to met her soon''

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