chapter ten

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"So how was your first day in school?" The guys snorted as Evan only went to grow a smirk on his face.

"It was fine I guess, got a couple of girls by my side but yeah"

"And Bryce?"

"What about him?" Vanoss asked confused.

"Did he try to escape or something?"

"Of course not. He knows not to unless he wants to get his head chopped off." Evan scoffed, taking a long gulp from the bottle of beer he has in his hand. The others nodded.

"Anyway, did you find our main target?"

"Yeah. His name is Andy. I didn't know he looked that much of a fuckboy."

"And you aren't?" Lui laughed, making the others joined in with a couple of chuckles. Evan rolled his eyes.

"I'm not-oh god.." Vanoss cut him self off with a hurtful grunt, his stomach suddely felt like it was twisting and his head was spinning. He fell on the floor with a loud, heavy thud as the bottle fell as well

"Dude are you alright? Fuck man. Help me carry him"

Vanoss then felt someone touching him and in an instant his skin felt like burning.

"Don't touch me!" Evan yelled, his throat dry.

I fucking hate this he thought as he forced himself not to shed in tears.

Then he remembered someone looking at him a while back in school.


He gasped, Delirious was... H-he was watching the whole time? The way Vanoss kissed that girl.. and now that he thought of it.. He remember eyes were looking at him.. l-looking at them!

"H-He saw me..." Evan mumbled, over and over again. Vanoss still felt Delirious eyes on him again.

"Stop! Leave me alone!" He gritted his teeth as sweat is starting to build up on Evan's forehead, he wishes for it to end, why is he like this? Why does it have to be him?

He was feeling more cold than ever and yet, he was sweating, badly. He just wanted to kill someone.

But then at same time, Vanoss wanted something warm, he want someone to hold him but even that won't help, because everytime someone would touch him, it feels like fire. How long will this last?

"We really need to look for delirious"

Delirious? Yes.. he's the solution! He needs to be killed. Tortured for suffering Vanoss... But before that, he decided that he shall have Delirious to hold him, kiss him, and tear his clothes off-

Don't Evan. T-this is what he wants, to make you eager for him. Don't lose!

But it'll be so nice to have his skin touching mine.. giving me open mouthed kisses.

"Don't you even fucking think about that" Evan shouted to no one in particular. The others looks at him more concerned than ever.

And that was all he can remember because without him knowing, he passed out.




"Vanoss wake up! Its time for fucking school" that's not something he wished to be back to. His eyes opened, to only be greeted by Bryce trying to pull at his foot.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you to wake up so we can go now." Bryce struggled. Mumbling something with the words of Evan's foot being heavier than any rock. Vanoss sighed.

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