chapter twelve

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Going back home, Bryce felt like he can finally breath again, now that he's away from the shame and the urge to just kill himself, it seems like he's back to normal. Truly did Bryce hope that he might have fun hanging out with his grandma, but it looks like the universe was against him.

Because that's not what exactly happened, not only Bryce was getting embarrassed by his own grandma talking about his so called 'cutest memories' It was Ryan as well, looking like he was having fun teasing his student to death, laughing like he had never fucking laughed before. It looked worse than it seems more than anyone could think of.

Oh and don't even remind me about the kiss, even just the thought of it makes Bryce want to hang himself. But on the other hand, Bryce liked it..

Oh God, no. Stop, not gonna go there, and I definitely won't let it happen again.

So why is Bryce daydreaming in his class? Oh yeah, the kiss, and now he's blaming it all on his teacher: Ryan. Why does he have to be so.. Good at kissing? So.. Hot? It was irritating him so much he wish that he could just punch his teacher right on his pretty face so he can finally look ugly enough to ignore him.
At this point of time, Bryce is not even denying it anymore. Ryan Crugman is hot as shit and yes he wants him real bad.

That escalated quickly. Bryce thought, but as for now, Vanoss was absent. Bryce went to their house just a while ago to only be greeted by the scary man called wildcat with the words "he's gone today, fuck off."
If it were to be Bryce, he'd ask a shit ton of questions as to why, what's wrong, but oh how nice wildcat was to shut the door on him..

A true gentleman.

At first, Bryce was kinda alright for Evan to be absent, but really, the silence was killing him. He wants someone to talk to, but since his social skills were low, he was left to be a loner.

...Just like he was back when he was still in highschool. Talk about nostalgia.

But other than that, the day was pretty boring and normal and when it was time for him to go home, a man suddenly planned to appear, to be specific, it was the devil himself, Ryan Crugman.

"Ethan, have you seen Nathan anywhere? Outside the school?" He asked.

"Well-no, why?"

"If you do see him, please inform him that he should be more careful going outside at midnight." Ryan smiled in a non bystander way, Bryce was confused as ever.

"Y-yes sir." Bryce nodded as his grip on the books tighten. When Bryce was about to leave, Sir Crugman went to stop him abruptly.

It took him for a while to say anything, before adding: "come with me." Bryce hesitated but agreed.

The students were already leaving and Bryce's heartbeat fasten because of it. Oh stop it, it's probably nothing, don't be too paranoid.

Yes.. It'll probably be some useless papershit right? Just cause the both of them kissed doesn't mean it'll happen again.

"So about that one time in your grandma's place.."

Yep, definitely paper work.

Bryce didn't even realized that they were already in Sir. Crugman's classroom as he was too busy mumbling and blabbering how the both of them should forget that it ever happened and maybe become friends, he suggested, too bad Ryan was thinking differently about that..

"What do you mean forget? That's not something I would want to forget" Sir. Crugman let out a cute smirk as he went to halfly sit on the teacher's table with his arms crossed. How can a smirk be so cute?

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