chapter eleven

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"And why the fuck are you here asshole?" Wildcat asked annoyed all while looking at delirious dead in the eye.

—And also a bit terrified if you ask me, I mean, he got knocked out in one punch. God knows what the fuck he's gonna do next. Maybe even rape him—wait no, he can't. Tyler still bigger and taller than delirious so go take on that if he can.

"Don't be so rude wildcat, I'm your friend here." Delirious teased.

"What do you want this time? Vanoss' blood?" Tyler said in the most sarcastic voice he could ever muster.

"I would ask but are you gonna give it to me?" I'd probably will if it weren't for the fact that you'd orgasm over that shit. Wildcat rolled his eyes.

"I can tell you have a bit of problem with yourself.." Delirious smirked behind his mask.

"That's not of your business killer clown. Now leave."

"Hey, I only wanted to help you" Delirious' hands rose in surrender, his tone so playful, almost friendly.

"I don't need a help from an asshole like you." Tyler scoffed. turning to his back on delirious out of annoyance.

And besides. Who could even help him? Craig is clueless and stubborn enough to not understand what Tyler really feels about him, mini can only ever look at wildcat as his fuckoff friend.

Fucking kill me.

"I know you don't. Just came by to say.. you're doing it wrong"

"What do you mean?" Delirious only shrugged with that unbelievable smirk.

"Well, I guess I better go now." He looked at his watch with a chuckle.

"W-whatever." Wildcat looked away. Smoking his curiosity away while at the same time, debating to ask him whatever the fuck he was going at.

"three words before I leave. Make him Desprate." And just when Wildcat was about to turn back and ask what did he said, Delirious was already gone, leaving the man with thoughts of what delirious meant.

Make him desprate? Does that mean.. Delirious found out that he likes Mini? well, who would it be else delirious was talking about? Shit. He would've thought he did an amazing job at hiding his feelings but then again, even a crazy person could see that Tyler's in love with Craig.

 And excuse me what? Make Mini desprate? I think that's almost impossible for Tyler, knowing that he can't even touch Craig without having an urge to kiss him, Let alone that! Definitely not gonna do that. Nope, not gonna do it.

Tyler sighed, rubbing his temple with the new found headache.

...I'm so whipped.




"oh sonny you finally went to see me!" The old woman hollered out of excitement.

"Well I've been busy, joyce" Bryce smiled, giving his grandma a loving hug as he do so, feeling a bit guilty for not visiting her enough.

"College is real tough huh?" Definitely. There's two kinds of people who wants to kill me if I don't do what they want. Pretty tough.

"I can't wait for you to meet my good friend. He's coming right now too!" Joyce smiled sweetly all while Bryce is imagining of another old man tryna hit up on his grandma. He laughed at his own imagination.

"Oh. Does he like knitting like you do as well?"

"Well technically not. I much prefer cooking but I guess knitting is good too." A familiar voice said behind him and instantly did Bryce froze thinking that he must be losing his sanity to hear that.. voice or maybe he really did went to visit the wrong time because right now, he just wanted to run far, far away and never come back. And he's not even sure if the person behind him was actually the person he's of!

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