+Details and Explanations+

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I'm Lady Karma and IMMA write dis book for y'all ma beautiful and fabulous readers💕

I want to thank you for choosing to read this book and that I'm honored🎍

Some of you may know me from ma other book ( The Capitol Boy)

Let's get down to the business

So this is an AU aka an alternative universe where Jocyelyn never left Valentine and basically Clary was born and Sebastian too❤️ We all know about Jace's tragic and heartbreaking history so it's the same but if you

Haven't finished The City of Heavenly Fire or Lost Souls calmly delete this book and don't come back until you're done. 

Clary is 18 and Sebastian is like 20-19 and Jace is Clary's age as well and everything will be on their P.O.V's ( point of view)

I hope you'll enjoy your stay, there is no turning back💎
Lady Karma🍾

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