Are Reflections

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A loud crash was heard from the dining hall and they all froze. Grabbing their weapons they slowly ascended to the hall with newly marked runes of protection, strength and courage in combat.

(just in case you donut know i always paste the last piece of my previous chapter so you lil readers donut get confused bc of ma short updates)

Clary's mind was racing with a thousand thoughts all at once. What if one of her father's demons got away? What if it hurt Jocelyn? What if it had killed her father? What if one of the Forsaken had gone rouge- which was quite unlikely.

She pushed her thoughts to the back of her darkened mind, breathing the stale air of the ancient rugs and cracked portraits of her ancestors.

Jace who was ahead of Clary stopped in his tracks, she bumped into him and they both almost tumbled into the dim lit staircase.

"I told you to put on runes of Sure Footedness." Sebastian hissed at his siblings as they detached themselves off each other bodies, breathing shallowly.

"Of course dearest brother, we should've listened to you as always." Jace said in mock sarcasm as he sunk into the shadows of the stairs, etching a rune on himself with his Steele.

"It's not the time to be sarcastic Jace." Clary defended her brother as voices became audible in the upcoming dining room.

All the Morgesterns hushed themselves as they creeped silently toward their destination.

Jace unscathed his Seraph Blade and silently named it. The light of Heaven shone upon the three children as they took out their weapons to fight for their loved ones.

"We gave you a simple task, you have failed us." The voice seemed to be coming from one person, echoing itself over and over again.

"I have not your honor, I have it in my possession." Their father's voice seemed strong and tinted with a cunning edge, proving his bravery while talking to this strange creature/ demon.

"Then where is it as promised? We do not see it or smell it, not even sense it." The creature roared at Valentine as the ground shook, the portraits swung in their places.

"It is not an it but a who that you are looking for." Sebastian could imagine Valentine's smirk on his face.

"Where is this living being? We demand you to show us its lair." The creature hissed and Great Aunt Gratitude fell from her hook with a bang to the mahogany wood.

"I'm afraid not Beliel, now I must damn you to your own Lair of Iniquity."

The demon- Beliel  roared in anger and old vases cracked and Great Uncle Alberthany went down as  well.

"I damn you to Abraxas thy vessel of Iniquity. Begone demon and thou shalt not come home." Valentine chanted as the demon screeched in agony and was silenced.

Jace sighed and offered a hand to Clary as he stood up. She gratefully accepted it and helped Sebastian stand.

The young adults went down the old hallway after hanging Great Aunt Gratitude and Great Uncle Alberthany in their rightful places in silence. 

"That's the third demon he's summoned this week." Jace mumbled as soon as they were out of earshot.

"He has his reasons, we all know that." Sebastian put a hand on his brother's shoulder as they prodded silently into the training tower.

"I'm not so sure of that anymore." Clary muttered leaning onto Jace as he shut the door of the training room.

Sebastian's pupils slitted with jealousy at the sight of Clary's intimacy as he hung up his Seraph Blade, which would fail to light up with the power of Raziel.

Jace glanced into Clary's eyes with a slight glint of mischief.

"No Jace, I said no." Clary struggled against his arms as he wrapped them around her and started to tickle her.

She squealed in surprise as the first finger jabbed her sides, her head fell back in laughter.

Sebastian had made his way next to his siblings side and had started tickling her too. Her brothers laughed with glee after seeing her brighten up again.

Whatever the cost Jace would never let Clary stay miserable for long. He could never stand her beautiful face etched with a frown and ruined with her eyebrows furrowed. He loved it when she was joyful and filled with laughter, she would light up his whole life.

Sebastian picked Clary up and set her in front of a punching bag.

"If there's one thing that I'm sure about it's that you haven't completed your training, little sister." He looked at her slyly with a smirk.

Clary groaned and picked up her gloves, slipping them on. Sebastian made his way to Jace, just as the redhead started to punch the sack, sending dust swirling around the room.

"So little brother, what do you think about all of these summonings?" Sebastian whispered to the golden boy, his lips brushing Jace's ear.
(Goddamn, Sebastian isn't Bisexual in my fanfic but I like the sexual tension)
"I'm not exactly sure about anything. All of Valentines demons and Lilith are definitely up to something." Jace shivered to Sebastian's lips touch.

It was cold and hard, just like his personality. Of course there was more to that, but he would rarely let his guard down.

"That could be a possibility, I must talk to you soon about something quite of importance." His pale haired brother's breath was on his neck, breathing out cold air that made his skin prickle.

"Morgesterns, you have a visitor. He seems quite anxious to meet you. Your father has his approval."



Lady Karma💍

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