People We

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this book has gotten so many reviews and so much love already and it's been 4 chap's ilysm thank you for everything loves❤️

Oh here we were

A gust of wind flowed through from behind them as a door swung straight open somewhere in the mansion.

"Blades, now-" Jace hissed as his hand went to his weapons belt, the ground gave out underneath them.

They were suddenly falling.

i do these all the time bc ppl forget what they were reading-

Jace had never felt anything like this, it felt like he was being pushed and compressed from above and below while he fell- his eyes watered as he spiralled through the dark abyss.

Something touched him,
Something slimy,
Something disgusting to the touch.

Jace kicked the creature of his leg, he didn't want to see it's face or figure. He felt something else in that moment, his sister- Clary.

"Clary, are you awake?" He questioned his sister as she fell along with him, noting that Sebastian's white- blond hair which was usually noticeable in the dark was missing.

No replies came.

"Clary, are you conscious?" Taking her arm and dragging her body to himself, he saw that her eyes were open, she seemed to be in a trance.

"Well fuck, I'm going to die here alone." Sighing he let go of his sister to wander back up into the air.

"Sebastian?" Jace called into the dark as the air kept compressing him, making his eyes water and occasionally bumping into Clarissa.

It was like that mundane fairytale of a girl who falls into a racoon hole? Or was it a rabbit hole? He couldn't remember-

The air seemed to slow down, if that was scientifically possible- and Jace thought that he could see water down there, dark dark waters, but water nevertheless- they wouldn't die today.

Pulling a still unconscious Clary to his side, he prepared for the launch into the dark- he held Clarissa's nose, knowing the danger as well as the risk-

(when i mean that i mean that she may drown or suffocate)

They plunged straight on into the water, it was like falling off the roof of the mansion into the cobblestone road- or watching Idris from the high tree in the garden when he was young, he was forever mesmerised by those Demon Towers, knowing that he couldn't enter because of his blood, but enjoying their beauty and grace from afar.

He would end up falling to the ground if he got too carried away.

Pushing his thoughts aside he hooked Clary into his left arm and used his right to push the water to the surface, he checked Clarissa and her pulse every five seconds, just in case.

He gasped for oxygen, but was greeted by a foul smelling humid stench instead.

While his vision came back, he noticed that they were close the shore- a black beach, laying Clary on his chest he started to backstroke with one arm.

After minutes that seemed like hours he felt the  rocks on his back, scraping gently against his skin- Jace proceeded in pulling Clary to shore- and quickly scanning the terrain.

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