Chapter 1

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A shadow moved silently through a dark alleyway. Suddenly, the sun shone through the clouds, lighting the alleyway up for a moment. In the brief flash of sunlight, a metallic something glinted brightly. It was only visible for a few seconds before more clouds rolled in. The shadow froze, thinking it might have been spotted. However, no one cried out to sound an alarm, so it knew all was well. It ran swiftly and silently to the far end of the alley, then used the fire escape to clamber up onto the roof. Keeping low, the hooded figure darted across the space and jumped into a neighboring side street. Glancing around, the shadow let out a sigh of relief, allowing itself a moment of weakness. Then it strode boldly into a doorway, and disappeared from sight.

Once inside, the figure traveled silently up several floors before reaching its destination. It made a detour towards a door guarded by two armed men. One man blocked its path. "I'm sorry, but this is a restricted area. I'm afraid I can't let you go any furth-" The figure drew a hidden sword from its cloak and slew both guards with just two expert strokes. Stepping over its victims, it opened the door. "Who is it?" A man asked, turning from his desk as he spoke. The shadow was on him in a second, the sword already buried in the man's chest. "You failed me." The killer spoke in a rough voice. "No one fails me and does not pay the price." As the man's body slumped to the ground, the shadow took its sword; opening a window, it exited the building, leaving behind no traces to itself, as always.


Shoot! I'm gonna be late again! Peter Parker dashed down the street, dodging left and right. "Excuse me! Coming through!!" He ran helter-skelter through the crowd. He finally slowed down outside his high school, trying to catch his breath before entering the building.

Once inside, he headed straight to his locker, grabbed the necessary books, and walked as fast as he could to his first class. He opened the door and got to his seat just as the teacher called for attention. "Seeing as we're now all accounted for," he said, looking deliberately at Peter. "I will begin by handing out your papers from last week's assignments."

Peter looked his paper over. It's not that bad, I guess, He thought as he surveyed the work with a critical eye. I could have studied more if I hadn't gone out that day. He closed his eyes, remembering. But if I hadn't, who would've stopped that armed robbery at the bank? The police couldn't have handled it, even if they thought they could. I know they don't like the idea of a 'vigilante hero', but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing- An impatient huff from the teacher brought him back to reality. He looked up and, catching his teacher's moody look, sat at attention. Another lovely day at school, Peter thought sarcastically to himself.


"Peter!! Peter, wait up!!" Peter stopped in his tracks. The bell had only just rang for lunch break when the voice of his best friend Dakota Young reached him. She ran over to him. "I was looking for you this morning. Where were you?"

"I forgot I had to grab something for Aunt May's birthday. I didn't get her anything before, and it's today so..." he trailed off, shrugging.

"Well, at least you're here now. You are not gonna believe this, but Thomas Palmer was murdered in broad daylight yesterday!!"

Peter blinked in surprise. "No way! He's got the best security around here. Did the police catch the guy yet?"

"Nope. The person didn't even leave any evidence behind. Apparently, he or she just stabbed him and left." Dakota shuddered. "It's pretty horrible, and the killer is still on the loose. If Spiderman wasn't around, I wouldn't be able to sleep."

Peter started and glanced at her. I'm never gonna get used to her mentioning him- er, me. "What makes you say that?" he asked cautiously. He didn't want anyone else to know his secret, much less Dakota.

Dakota laughed. "Isn't it obvious by now? That guy's a hero, no doubt. The police might not think so cause of the Sokovian Accords, but I say forget the Accords, Queens needs someone like Spidey."

"Spidey? That's what people are calling him now?" Peter grinned, trying desperately to change the way the conversation was going.

Dakota rolled her eyes and replied, "Whatever, Pete. Let's hurry up and get some lunch!" and ran as fast as she could to the cafeteria. Peter smiled and set off after her, chuckling as he went.

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