Chapter 12

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Peter dodged the knife; however, he couldn't evade the blast from a repulsor gun that knocked him flat. Taskmaster threw the gun aside and leaped towards him. They locked together in a fierce struggle. Every punch Peter threw, every kick, was blocked or used against him.

"Just give up, Spiderman! You can't win. I know how you think. Nothing is unexpected anymore," Taskmaster taunted.

Suddenly, Peter had an idea. "Ok, then. Your wish is my command." He went limp and dropped to the ground, pulling Taskmaster with him. Then he shot his feet out, connecting hard with Taskmaster's head. His enemy lurched away from him, panting. "What?" Peter asked innocently. "You didn't see that coming?"

"I will later," Taskmaster replied as he stood up, and Peter felt so chill run down his spine, knowing it was true. He lashed out with his webs, but Taskmaster avoided them. They started circling each other.

"Why did you attack the school?" Peter asked, playing for time.

Taskmaster laughed. "You tell me. You're obviously from there. You and the people you care about..." Taskmaster's voice suddenly changed, becoming darker, more of a growl than anything.

Peter spoke softer than before. "Is that what this is about?"

Taskmaster didn't answer. He hung his head and whispered-no whimpered, "All I feel is pain..."

Apparently pain's the only thing this weirdo understands, Peter thought. He jumped up and swung downwards. Taskmaster blocked the blow perfectly, as if nothing had just happened to him. Peter started backing towards the exit, wanting to leave as soon as he could. Seeing this, Taskmaster drove him toward his destination. Why would he do that... unless it's a trap! But Peter couldn't stop himself. He was directed outside, where, unexpectedly, Taskmaster stopped fighting. He jumped up onto a dumpster, just out of reach. Looking away, Taskmaster said, "I suppose you'll be wanting to leave now."

Peter was confused, but tried not to show it by firing off another reply as quickly as he could. "Well, of course I do, but-"

Taskmaster huffed. He seemed tired, and yet extremely tense, as if he was expecting something. Or someone. "You have somewhere to be, as do I."

Alerted, Peter demanded, "What? What do you mean?"

"Go find out for yourself, Spiderman. When you want to find me again, I'll be here." Taskmaster then disappeared back into his lair, and Peter, utterly bewildered, took off for home, fearing the worst.


Peter arrived later than usual at his apartment. Just as he slipped back into his room through the window, he saw Aunt May drive up. Good thing I got here before she did, Peter thought, or I'd have a lot of awkward explaining to do. He quickly changed out of his costume and headed to the living area. Just as he got to the table, the door opened and in stepped Aunt May. Peter hastily pretended to be doing homework.

"Hey Pete," May sighed as she set her bag down.


"Busy day?"

"Eh, I guess. You?"

"Same as always."

"Which is aunt language for 'Yes, I'm exhausted and hungry where's the fridge,'" Peter teased.

May fake-scowled at him. "You're exactly right, young man, now where's this fridge you speak of?" she demanded. Then they both started laughing. "Thanks Peter, that's just what I needed," May smiled.

Just then, Peter's phone buzzed. He glanced at the text that popped up onto the screen, then took a closer look. Oh no... The text was from Dakota's parents.

Peter. Dakota's been kidnapped. Please come as soon as you can. There's a ransom video from some one called Taskmaster that you should see.

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