Chapter 13

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Peter dropped his phone in shock. He stared blankly into space. That's what he meant when he said that he had somewhere to be. I should've followed him, or stayed, or-

"Peter? What's wrong?" Aunt May's concerned voice cut through his thoughts.

Peter sighed, shaking. "Dakota..." He found he couldn't speak, so he showed her his phone. She read the text, then hugged him.

"Oh my word... Pete, that's awful. Let's go right now."

"O-okay... okay..." he stood up and walked with his aunt numbly to the car.


Peter sat in shocked silence all the way to Dakota's house. I can't believe this... How could Taskmaster know that we were friends? He probably knows my identity, but how the heck did he find out? Thoughts like these swirled in his head; however, one clear objective stood out to him. I have to fix this. I have to rescue her. It's what he wants, but I don't care. I have to save Dakota.

They arrived at Dakota's house around six o'clock. Peter stepped out of the car and waited for Aunt May. Together they walked up to the front door. Dakota's mother opened it, welcoming them in. Her eyes were red, and there were tear tracks all down her face. "I'm so glad you're here. Come see the video; he left it over there on her laptop," she said, leading them to Dakota's laptop. She stooped down and pressed play, then stood back and watched as Taskmaster's hooded form appeared on the screen.

"Hello, Dakota's parents," Taskmaster began in an airy voice, "or anyone else who may be watching. It's true, I have kidnapped Dakota," he said, laughing as if kidnapping was something everyone did on a regular basis, "but I haven't hurt her." His voice became darker for a moment. "Yet. I will hold her in my lair without hurting her until midnight tonight. If someone doesn't come to rescue Dakota beforehand..." Taskmaster trailed off, seemingly reluctant to continue speaking. "Well, she will be hurt, is all I can say. Now, you can get this message to the police, the Avengers, or even the army, I don't care. It won't matter, because the only person who can find me is Spiderman. I want him to come, no one else," he hissed savagely. "If anyone else comes, she will die. Come too late, Spiderman, and she will die." Taskmaster paused for a moment, then said, "Remember, midnight, tonight, Spiderman. No later time... and no other person."

The video ended, leaving Peter in more shock. I knew that I was what Taskmaster really wanted, but why does Dakota have to be involved? he groaned inwardly. Outwardly, he tried to appear worried to a normal extent. "Did you send the video to anyone?" he asked Dakota's mom gently.

She nodded. "We sent it to the police, and they said they would broadcast the message across the city. If Spiderman's out there, th-they said he'd find out," she stuttered.

Peter looked away. "Something tells me that he already has..." he murmured to himself.


Peter and Aunt May got back to their apartment around 7:30 pm. May checked her phone. "Peter, I have to go to a meeting now. Will you be all right here by yourself?" she asked, obviously very concerned for him.

Peter nodded. "I-I'll be fine, Aunt May, don't worry about me." I wish I could be sure, for Dakota's sake.

She smiled sadly and left the room. As soon as her car had driven out of sight, Peter raced to his room and wrenched open the attic space. I don't have any time to lose. Once again dressed in his costume, he checked his web supply, making sure that it was full. Then he headed out into the night.

Once outside Taskmaster's lair, he stopped and collected his thoughts. Peter looked at his watch. 8:02. I'm making good time at least, he thought as he checked his scanners, looking for anyone or anything that might pose a threat. He didn't see anything, so he swung down to the secret door and pressed the brick. The wall opened, and Peter hopped up to the ceiling of the tunnel. He cautiously made his way down to the main room. It looked exactly the same as the last time he had been there. It was also completely empty of human activity. Great, Peter thought, now it'll be even longer until I can get Dakota out of here safely. Dropping to the floor, he crept along, searching for any sign of his friend or of her kidnapper. Suddenly, he froze. There was a scraping noise coming from a corner with a large sheet hanging from the roof. Quietly and carefully, Peter made his way over to the place. He hid behind an overturned table and peered around it. There was Dakota, lying on the ground and bound hand and foot. She was wriggling forward towards a sharp tool that lay on the ground near her. Peter watched her eyes grow wide with surprised shock as he stood up, picked up the tool, and proceeded to cut the ropes binding her.

Dakota spoke with a shaky voice. "H-He wanted you to come, you know."

Peter nodded. "I know."

She sat up, rubbing her wrists. "Then why did you?" she asked curiously.

"Well, first of all, it's my job," Peter joked. Growing serious again, he continued, "Second, I know Taskmaster. He would kill you without blinking an eye. I... I couldn't just leave you here to die."

Dakota smiled. "Thank you, Spiderman."

"Yes, thank you Spiderman," Taskmaster stepped out from behind the sheet, twirling his sword, "for finally showing up." With that, he charged at Peter, and the battle began.

•AFTER THE WAR: SPIDER-MAN'S STORY [COMPLETED]•Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα