Chapter 15

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Taskmaster lunged in the direction of Peter's voice. However, Peter sidestepped him. He spun around, tracking his enemies movements. Taskmaster swung at Peter's head, and he ducked. They continued for some time like this, Taskmaster throwing random punches, hoping to hit his target, with Peter always dodging away. Then Peter turned him to the wall and drove him back. Taskmaster stumbled backwards, and Peter was on him. Taskmaster somehow got a hold on Peter's mask, pushing the already fractured eye into his head. It shattered, and a piece drove its way into the skin just above Peter's left eye. He cried out painfully as Taskmaster continued to push deeper. Peter suddenly had an idea. He ducked his head and jerked backward, leaving his mask in Taskmaster's hand.

Taskmaster chuckled darkly. "I'll get you yet... or maybe..."

Peter heard him jump up onto a pipe and start climbing up to a beam on the ceiling. Peter suddenly realized what he was doing. "Dakota!" he yelled. "He's coming for you!"

Dakota voice rang out fearfully. "Where do I go?"

"Um..." Peter replied, looking around for a solution. "I'll come get you!"

"No you won't!"

Peter heard Dakota scream and Taskmaster laugh maniacally. "NO!" he roared. "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

"It's too late for that, Parker!" Taskmaster yelled back.

There was a shriek, quickly cut off by a thud. Peter saw a limp form on the ground through the darkness. He rushed over to it. "D-Dakota?" he asked quietly, scares that he wouldn't get an answer.

She tilted her head to the side and tried to say something.

"No, it's okay, save your strength," Peter ordered.

Dakota managed to crack a smile. "I'll be... fine, I think... worry about yourself, Spiderman..." Then she passed out.

Peter heard a sound above his head. Looking up, he saw Taskmaster's dark shape moving towards a small window up high on the wall. Peter swung up to the window just as Taskmaster reached the ledge below it.

"Oh no, you're not leaving just yet," Peter gritted his teeth.

"I leaving whether you say or not!" Taskmaster hissed. He took his sword and smashed the window, leaving a large hole in the glass. Just as he was about to leap through it, Peter pulled him back. Furious, Taskmaster lashed out, catching Peter between the eyes. He stumbled back and almost fell off the ledge. However, at the last possible second, he grabbed hold of Taskmaster. He pulled back against the window, trying to stop them both from falling; however, the strain was too much for Taskmaster. They both toppled from the ledge.

Peter quickly shot out a web. It stuck to the bottom of the ledge, and he clung on for dear life. He watched as Taskmaster fell with a nasty thud onto the floor. He tottered to his feet, slightly stunned by the fall. "This... this isn't over! I-"

Suddenly, Taskmaster stopped speaking. Peter sensed something spinning towards his head. He dodged to the right as Taskmaster's sword flashed past, spinning madly. Peter's eyes widened when he saw where it was headed. "Taskmaster! Look out!" he yelled.

Taskmaster stood and looked up at his weapon, transfixed by the still twirling blade. He started to back up, then tripped over his own feet, his eyes still fixed on the sword. He fell to the ground, still staring. Taskmaster screeched, an unearthly sound that made Peter screw his eyes shut. He heard the swish of the sword, a chopping sound, and then... nothing. Nothing at all.

Very slowly, Peter opened his eyes. To his horror, he saw Taskmaster's limp body, the sword protruding from his chest. Peter jumped down and tore the weapon from his dead enemy. Bending down, Peter picked up the skull mask which had fallen off Taskmaster's face when he was stabbed.

Tears welled up in Peter's eyes. He was my enemy! I-I should be glad he's... he's dead... But Peter knew, deep inside, that this image, it would never fade. He could never think of Taskmaster the same way ever again. As gently as he could, Peter closed the man's glassy eyes, laying the sword and the mask on his chest as he did so. Then he stood up and staggered to Dakota's limp form. He saw his mask lying close by, the unbroken eye piece glinting in what dim light there was. Picking it up, he pulled it over his head. Peter stooped down and picked Dakota up, carrying her out of the building into the street outside.

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