Chapter 5

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Peter froze. "Oh, uh, fr-from what?" he stammered.

"From Spiderman, duh. Who else uses webs? Ironman definitely doesn't," Dakota answered incredulously.

"Yeah, it would be kinda weird if he did..." Peter laughed, stopping short as she spoke again.

"Don't you know what this means though?" Dakota asked. She sounded excited. With her, that's never good, Peter thought.

"No, what?" he asked.

"I was right! Spidey's on the case!"

Oh dear, what have I done? It was well known that Dakota admired Spiderman, though she was the only person that Peter knew who did. Everyone else either didn't care or wanted him locked up. Thanks to what happened last year, no one's ever going to trust us heroes again. Ever since the events at that German airport, the governments that had signed the Accords had stepped up their efforts in controlling and capturing people that they called "enhanced individuals." And it just so happened that Spiderman was sorted into this "dangerous" category of individuals.

Forcing his mind back to reality, Peter spoke, choosing his words carefully. "Well, it depends on what you mean, and he could've not meant to be there at all. He could've just been at the wrong place at the right time, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah right, Pete. People like him don't just head into a fight without knowing what they're getting into," Dakota replied. 

Oh, really? Peter thought wryly. "Well, maybe. But why are you so interested in this?"

Dakota laughed. "Oh, you know me, always making other people's business my own! Really though Peter," Dakota continued, her tone becoming more serious, "I want people to feel safe with that guy on the loose, and getting the word out that someone's out there, trying to protect us... it's really going to help."

"You know people's attitude towards Spiderman, they don't like him," Peter started.

"It will help," she spoke with determination. There was a slightly awkward pause, then Dakota said, "I have to go, I need to finish my homework. See you Monday, Pete." With that, she hung up.

Great. Just great. Now Dakota might be putting herself in danger with all of her investigating, Peter mentally grumbled. Hopefully she doesn't end up hurting herself. Being a detective is dangerous work. He rubbed his wounded arm ruefully. I should know.


The next week passed in a kind of haze for Peter. With worries about the hooded man on top of more worries about Dakota on top of even more worries about his day-to-day schoolwork, he started feeling like he needed some escape. I need to go out again, that's what I need, he kept thinking. However, with his injured arm, he didn't want to push his luck.

Soon, the teen couldn't take it any longer. Aunt May always worked late on Wednesday's, so he knew he wouldn't be missed. Once he was ready, Peter made sure the coast was clear, then slipped out his window onto the roof. He stretched out his arm, then winced as pain jabbed at the limb. I'll need to be careful about that, he reminded himself. Then he took off.

I forgot how amazing this feels. Peter closed his eyes for a moment, revelling in the sensation of flying through the air. They snapped open when he heard someone crying out.

"No! Leave me alone! Somebody help me! Help!"

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