vanilla twilight | sugawara koushi

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Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

The stars lean down to kiss you . . . and i lie awake and miss you . . . pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere. . .

Suga stood alone in his apartment's balcony,hoping to catch some peaceful, fresh air. It was dead in the night. He didnt care what time it was. He just watched the lights of Tokyo glow.

After that fateful day, everything changed with just a blink of an eye.

'cuz i'll doze off safe and soundly. . . but i'll miss your arms around me. . .

That time when he saw you last by that car, his life suddenly . . . stopped.

He didnt get the chance to give you a proper goodbye.

He didnt get the chance to tell you he loves you so much, that you were his everything. . . his queen.

He missed your hugs. . . your kisses. . .your smile. . .

Suga looked up and gazed at the stars.

I'll watch the night turn light blue. . .bit it's not the same without you . . .

Suga was used to being alone but he wasnt used to being left alone. After the accident, Suga felt. . . empty.

Hinata and the others tried to help out but Suga pushed them away.

His emotions just went pitch black.

'cuz it takes two to whisper quietly . . . the silence isn't so bad. . . 'til I look at my hands and feel sad...

Suga clasped his hand shut and blinked hard. He remembered you holding his hand while you slept. . . He remembered kissing it tenderly and remind you that he loved you.

He remembered biting it, as well.

'cuz the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly . . .

drenched in vanilla twilight. . . i'll sit on the front porch all night. . .

He remembered the time when he taught you how to play volleyball . . . when you both took a trip to Australia . . .

waist deep in thought because when i think of you . . . i dont feel so alone . .

A soft,gentle breeze brushed past his face. Suga smiled. He remembered the time when you face-planted on the grass while doing a cartwheel. . . when you did the unicorn challenge in McDonald's. . .

As many times as i blink. . . i'll think of you tonight. . .

Suga wanted to break down and cry but he knew you would hate seeing him upset.

When twilight eyes get brighter and heavy wings grow lighter. . .

However, Suga cant be the type of guy whose world stops just because he was in pain. He had to keep moving.

I'll taste the sky and feel alive again. . .

Suga closed his eyes and inhaled the warm, peaceful air. He smiled again at the thought of you.

He watched the City of Lights glow like a million stars merged into one.

And i'll forget the world that i knew. . . But i swear i wont forget you. . .

Suga looked up again at the stars. He had to move on. He wanted to graduate college and have a wonderful future. It upsets him knowing the fact that he couldn't spend his future with the love of his life, but he was willing to do it just for you.

He wanted to get to know the world even more and tell you every adventure he faced  in his journey. He wanted to experience every single thing you couldn't experience.

Suga reached out his hand and tried reaching for the stars.

Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past. . . I'd whisper in your ear. .

Sugawara's lips quivered. He felt so much pain.

It was as if a wrecking ball hit his heart, shattering it completely.

Sugawara shut his eyes tight and sobbed, 'Oh,darling i wish you were here.'

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