beautiful | koutarou bokuto

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After the practice match against Karasuno, the simpleton ace and the weirdo duo lay under the sky as dawn began to set.

'Hey, Bokuto,' Hinata wondered as he lay beside Bokuto. 'Have you ever loved someone?'

Kageyama lay beside Hinata and folded his arms behind his back.

Bokuto chuckled, watching the pink sky turn blue.

'What kind of question is that?' Bokuto roared with laughter. 'Of course i have!'

'Who?' Hinata asked out of curiosity

'My mom.'


'I'm kidding,' Bokuto laughed again. 'You don't know her. She's probably out there, fulfilling her dreams.'

'What happened?' Hinata asked.

'Oh, the usual,' Bokuto pursed his lips. 'Things didn't work out for us, I guess.'

'She dumped him,' Akaashi joined in before sitting down beside Bokuto.

'Who invited you here?' Bokuto demanded.

Akaashi shrugged.

'Anyway,' Bokuto clicked his tongue. 'She said she didn't feel like I loved her.'

Akaashi began picking the grass from underneath and began throwing them at Bokuto's face.

'Better stop asking,' Akaashi warned. 'Or he'll go all emo.'

Knowing Bokuto's emo side, Hinata zipped his mouth shut. Bokuto sat up and spewed grass from his mouth.

'Bah! Things weren't meant to be! So i don't mind at all!'

Hinata quickly ignored Akaashi's warning and threw a question that almost brought tears to Bokuto's eyes.

'Was she beautiful?' Hinata asked.

Akaashi expected Bokuto to lose control but surprisingly, Bokuto remained calm.

'Yes. . .' Bokuto looked down. 'Yes. . . She was. She was so beautiful I never told her she was. . .'

'What? Why?'

Bokuto blinked hard,'Because I was afraid she'd find someone better than me.'

'Huh?' Hinata tilted his head.

'Dumbass,' Kageyama muttered.

'We all know how horrible Bokuto looks like,' Akaashi spoke. 'Horned owl, they say.'

'Akaashi!' Bokuto yelled.

Akaashi ignored Bokuto,'If she thinks she's beautiful, she'll assume that she's capable of having any guy she likes and if she thinks so, she'll find someone better than Bokuto.'

'What?!' Hinata sat up. 'You're like one of the top five aces in the whole country! Who would find someone better than you?!'

'Well, kiddo,' Bokuto sighed. 'Sometimes, those kinds of things do not apply to people who are not interested in volleyball.'

Hinata looked up at the sky that now twinkled with stars and sighed.

'Well,' Bokuto stood up and brushed grass off his hair and gym shorts. 'it's already getting late. Gotta get going.'

and Bokuto began walking away, leaving the duo and Akaashi behind.

'Hey, hey, hey. . .' Bokuto murmured.

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