Her Eyes

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Third person.

Riley sat in her seat with a smile on her face, her brother was coming home! She saw Farkle walk in, even though they didn't talk much they knew about each other, "have you seen her?" Riley asked "not this morning, but she said she would" Farkle said and he sat down behind Riley.

Soon they heard some muffled talking, then some loud mumbles. Lucas was back, he went on a trip for three years and he just came back, "sup class, hey little sis" Lucas said, "hey Lucas," Riley said. "And I'm the same age as you" Riley added.

"Now for your assignment you'll be working in pairs, the project is to write an essay about your take on Love, what is it to you?" Mr Matthews asked. "Dad Can we pick our own partners?" Riley asked "no Ive already made the pairs" Mr Matthews said.

"Dad I swear if I'm out with Lucas I will never come to school again" Riley said "thats the right kind if attitude" said a girl at the door. She had perfect blonde her that shined in the sun, her eyes were beautiful but if you stared to long they became daggers.

"Maya!" Farkle said "who?" Lucas asked. "You come today Miss Hart, I'm surprised" Mr Matthews said, "A little birds told me we had a student coming back, I thought I'd drop in" Maya said, she was still leaning against the door frame,

"And I think I can guess who it is" Maya said. "Your Matthews son aren't ya?" Maya asked, Lucas nodded "Maya would you like to take a seat?" Mr Matthews asked. Maya looked over to Farkle. "Maya sit down and I'll buy you food after school" Farkle said.

Maya walked over to the seat in front of Lucas and sat down. "That's how you do that" Farkle said. "Maya I've heard some rumours about you" Mr Matthews said "all bad I hope" Maya said. "Not exactly" Mr Matthews said,

"What did they say?" Maya asked "everyone has been calling you a goddess" Mr Matthews said, "why? I'm nothing special" Maya said "Maya you are clearly blind" Zay said, "what?" Maya asked "you're Beautiful" Zay said.

"What?" Maya asked. "Forgot I said anything" Zay said, "I was going to" Maya said. "Miss Hart" Mr Matthews said "Mr Teach" Maya said. "Feet off the desk" Mr Matthews said. Maya took her feet off the desk and mr Matthews started to teach.

~Time skip to Lunch~

"Why is everyone afraid of her?" Lucas asked, "well you know how they say if looks could kill?" Zay asked Lucas nodded, "well if she wanted to she could kill anyone, and she beautiful" Zay said. They heard heels clicking meaning a girl was getting close.

They saw her. The devil in high heels as some say, The Maya Hart. Zay was right her looks could kill. She flashed the boys a smile as she walked past, they watched her walk away. They watched her sway her hips.

"Did you see that?" Lucas asked "yeah! She smiled at us!" Zay said "no! Her eyes, they... they changed colour" Lucas said, "what?" Zay asked. "Her eyes were blue, I saw here eyes changed to Purple" Lucas said,

"Who's eyes changed to purple?" Riley asked. "Maya" Lucas said, "you saw it too!? I thought I was crazy!" Riley said, soon Farkle joined them. "Whatcha talking about?" Farkle asked. Before anyone could answer they heard what they could only describe as someone getting pushed against a locker.

They all ran to the noise. They saw a guy in the lockers, they squeezed past the crowd were they saw the guy was floating, sort of. There was a hand around his throat "don't you EVER touch me again, do you hear me?" Said a female voice

They saw they guy nod, then the person dropped him. "Maya?" Farkle asked "hey big bro, you missed the party" Maya said and she walked away from the guy in the floor. Farkle and his friends followed after Maya,

"What happened?" Farkle asked once he caught up to Maya. "He touched me" Maya said. "So you nearly kill him!?" Farkle asked "if I was going to kill him he'd be dead, besides he wasn't worth my time" Maya said as she played with her nails.

"Maya this needs to stop. People are starting to notice!" Farkle said. "Notice what? How my eyes change colour depending on my mood, how I am stronger then all the men on the football team? How my looks could kill?" Maya asked. Soon Farkle friends joined. But they hide behind a corner

"Maya people are going to find out" Farkle said. "Find out what? That I'm not human?" Maya asked "Maya you are human" Farkle said. "That's not what the doctor said. If I remember correctly he called me "it" instead of her" Maya said,

"He didn't know what to do" Farkle said, "no one does, this is why I don't go to school. Someone is going to get hurt. This is why I cut people out" Maya said "is that why you kill?" Farkle asked, "I haven't killed anyone!" Maya said.

"Hey guys we found you" Lucas said. "Maya your eyes" Farkle whispered. Maya closed her eyes then a bit later she opened them again. "What happened?" Lucas asked. "Someone beat yo this guy because he touched Maya" Farkle said.

"Why do your eyes change colour?" Riley asked, "what?" Maya asked "your eyes. They change colour" Lucas said, "I didn't notice" Farkle said, Maya bit her lip. "I know what you are" Riley said. "What am I?" Maya asked

"The devil in high heels" Riley said, "with a heart as Cold As Ice" Lucas said. "And beautiful eyes" Zay said. "But you're still human," Riley said. "Just as normal as everyone else" Lucas said. "And really pretty hair" Zay said.

"You think I'm normal?" Maya asked. "No" Riley said "we know" Lucas said. "And your smile is perfect" Zay said, "are you scared?" Maya asked as she took a step towards them, her eyes changed to a deep pinkish red,

"No" Lucas said, "sort of" Riley said "and your voice is so angelic" Zay said . "You should be. As Farkle Said" Maya said as she face Farkle, "I kill" Maya said, "we don't think so" Riley said. "Play with fire and you'll get burned" Maya said,

"Play with ice and it melts" Lucas said and he took a step towards Maya. "You just need to talk to someone, let them help you" Riley said. "I don't need anyone" Maya said. She looked Lucas in the eyes, her eyes turned purple.

"You need me" Lucas said. "You wish" Maya said, "Maya" Farkle said, "yes Farkle?" Maya asked. Her and Lucas were still walked towards each other slowly. "Your eyes" Farkle said. Maya blinked. Her eyes went back to blue,

"Time to go home" Farkle said and he grabbed Maya by the wrist and ran out of the building. "If we can get Farkle to help us, we can figure out Maya" Riley said. "And help her love again" Lucas said. "And her eyes!" Zay said.

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