The truth about Maya.

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Maya finally stopped crying but she was still upset. Farkle realised that her eyes had changed to a rainbow colour. "How is that even possible?" He asked "how is what possible?" Maya asked "your eyes are now a rainbow" Farkle said

"You're a unicorn" Riley said "sure" Maya said "I'm guessing that means that Maya doesn't know what she feels at the moment?" Lucas asked "I think..." Farkle said, "Kids! Desert!" Topanga shouted.

"Maya, your glasses" Farkle said, Maya grabbed her glasses and they walked down stairs "I seriously need prescription glasses rather than these" Maya said as she walked out of the room and down to the kitchen.

"Are you feeling better now Maya? We heard you crying but we didn't want to disturb" Topanga said "I'm fine" Maya said as they ate their desserts. "Maya is it alright if Me and Cory speak with you privately?" Topanga said

"Sure" Maya said, the three of them got up and walked into a separate room. "Are you sure your alright?" Topanga asked. "Honestly, I don't know anymore." Maya said. Topanga and Cory sat down on a bed and Maya sat in front of them.

"Do you want to tell us?" Cory asked. "A few years ago... when my dad was Still with us, he would abuse me. But he made sure my mum and Farkle never found out. But eventually they did. My dad left but I still get nightmares" Maya said.

"And I don't know who I am anymore. Everyone thinks I'm this strong girl who can take anything... but inside I'm breaking. And I don't know how to handle it." Maya said, she started to tear up. "We will help you in what ever way we can" Topanga said.

"Can you be out there for me?" Maya asked "of course, Maya if you need anything come to us." Cory said. "Thank you" Maya said. "Riley and Lucas don't know that you know about me... right?" Maya asked,

"They think that we see you as another friend" Topanga said, "I hate this. Why was I given this life? I'm a demon" Maya said. "No your not Maya. Your an angel." Cory said. "Yeah, an angel craving chaos." Maya said.

"You'll get through this Maya, we know you will" Topanga said. They all stood up and headed to the living room. Everyone was sitting on the couch, "hey Maya, ready to go home?" Farkle asked. "Actually Farkle. I'm quite tired, perhaps we could stay here the night?" Maya asked

"If it's alright with you of course" Maya said to Cory and Topanga. "You stay whenever you like" Cory said "as long as you like" topanga added. "Well... I guess we're staying here tonight" Farkle said. "Can we have an epic sleepover?" Riley asked.

"Sure" Cory said "can we invite Izzy and Zay?" Lucas asked "sure just be quite. I'm tired" Topanga said and they went up to bed along with Auggie. Riley and Lucas called Izzy and Zay. Soon they arrived. But it did not go as expected.

When Lucas opened the door to reveal Izzy and zay, Farkle and Maya where shocked. "Isadora Smackle?" Farkle asked. "Farkle Hart. Where's your sister? Still causing trouble?" Izzy asked. "Smackle?" Maya asked.

"You guys know each other?" Lucas asked "a bit too well" Farkle said. "Farkle and Smackle used to date" Maya said. "Smackle you never told us this" Riley said. "I never thought it would be important" Smackle said.

"Why are you friends with crazy and his sister?" Smackle asked "you mean Maya and Farkle" zay said. "Same thing" Smackle said, "their our friends" Lucas said "really? Maya I thought you were a witch" Smackle said.

"You know about Maya?" Riley asked. "Of course I know about Maya," Smackle said. "Okay it's clearly awkward here so imma just... you know" Maya said and she walked towards the kitchen. "How is Maya a witch?" Riley asked

"Firstly, no one is that beautiful, her eyes change colour, she can move stuff with her mind and she is very manipulative" Smackle said. "Is she a good witch or a bad witch?" Zay asked "it depends in how you look at her" Smackle said,

They looked at Maya and saw her laying on the kitchen table. "Maya has never used her powers for evil" Farkle said. "What about that time she pinned that guy to his locker?" Zay asked "that bastard touched my butt!" Maya said.

"Look, let's just get some sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow okay?" Farkle said. Everyone nodded and headed up to Riley's room, except for Lucas and Maya. "You scared of me now, aren't you?" Maya asked.

"Not yet." Lucas said and he walked towards Maya. "But you are scared that I'm going to hurt someone" Maya said, she sighed, "look I never wanted theses powers, but I got them and now I'm stuck with the,. It's something I have to deal with." Maya said.

"I know. And I don't mind that you have theses powers. Maya your still the same person to me. You always will be." Lucas said. "Why do you care so much about a person you barley know?" Maya asked. "I have a feeling that your not as bad as you want people to think you are" Lucas said.

"Okay I'm going to tell you something but you need to Understand this. Ive never cared about people, because the last time I did I got hurt. Badly. So if you want to care for me your going to need to show me that your not going to hurt me" Maya said.

"I would never hurt. I would rather have my arm ripped off then hurt you Maya" Lucas said. "But those are just words Lucas. People throw around words without knowing the full meaning of them. If you wanted me to believe you. Then show me" Maya said and she stood up.

"Show me you won't hurt and show me that I can trust you. And I might let down my walls" Maya said and she headed up to bed with Lucas following behind her slowly. They all cuddled up and fell asleep.

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