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Third person

Farkle was at his locker with Lucas, Riley and Zay. "Okay can you at least tell us what she isn't?" Riley asked. "We know she's not a Vampire or a wear wolf." Farkle said. "What do you know?" Lucas asked.

"She hates the idea of Love" Farkle said, "and I'm partners with her for the love project great" Lucas said. "She blocks everyone out, so she doesn't get hurt or so she doesn't hurt them" Farkle said.

"Why does she think someone will get hurt?" Riley asked. "Well when...this first occurred Maya accidentally hurt someone, then she got hurt. So from then on she decided to block everyone out" Farkle said,

"Have you figured out what colour means what mood yet?" Lucas asked. "Pinkish red usually means shes angry, deep blue means she's sad, orange means she's happy. But I've never seen her eyes go Purple before" Farkle said.

"Whatcha talking about?" Someone said they all turned around and saw Maya standing there. "Maya what's are you doing here!?" Farkle whisper-yelled "mum told me to come or she would send me to the doctors and I am not going there, so I'm here" Maya said and she smiled.

"Well we're glad you're here" Lucas said Maya's eyes turned purple again "Maya your eyes!" Farkle said. "I got that covered" Maya said and she pulled out some sunglasses and she put them on. "Done" Maya said.

"What if the teachers tell you off?" Farkle asked. Maya pulled down the her sun glasses and her eyes turned grey, "what does grey mean!?" Lucas whisper-yelled "I don't know I've never seen them go grey!" Farkle whisper-yelled

"I know what grey means" Maya said "what dies grey mean?" Riley asked. "Well... this" Maya said. Then her eyes changed. Farkle screamed like a little girl. "Maya! I told you not to learn what this is. We agreed that you would leave it!" Farkle whisper-yelled.

"Well Farkle when everyone said you were... what did they call you?" Maya asked "a nerd" Farkle said. "You embraced it. Why can't I?" Maya asked. "Oh and there's a party this weekend, if you wanna come with me" Maya added.

"You're not going" Farkle said, "says who?" Maya said. "Okay I am terrified now, you can go" Farkle said. "Thought so" Maya said as she took a step towards Farkle, "you're not going" Lucas said,

"What did you say to me Huckleberry?" Maya asked, "you're not going to the part" Lucas said and he took a step towards Maya, her eyes changed to a purple pink. "What does that mean?' Riley asked "I don't know" Farkle said,

"I've never seen it before" Farkle added. "You can't tell me what to do huckleberry" Maya said. "You're right I can't, but I can still stop you from going" Lucas said. "And how do you plan on doing that?" Maya asked,

"Oh it's simple all I have to do is this" Lucas said and he picked Maya up and put her over his shoulder. "Put me down!" Maya said, "you know for a strong lady like yourself your extremely light" Lucas said,

"I swear to god if you do not put me down you will never and I mean NEVER see the light of day again do you hear me?" Maya asked "I thought you said you would never kill" Farkle said. Lucas put Maya down.

"Oh i wouldn't kill him, he isn't worth my time" Maya said and she walked off. Then they heard someone get pinned to a locker. "What did she do this time?" Farkle asked as they walked over to the crowd. But they did not expect to see what they saw.

Maya was the one in the air this time. "Your not the only strong one Hart" said a boy. "What do we do!?" Riley whisper-yelled "but I am the only one who can do this" Maya said. She kicked the locker and flipped over him.

He was on the ground. "I told you not to touch me" Maya said and she walked off. Farkle ran after her. "What the hell happened?" Farkle asked. "Well I was walking and then out of nowhere he pinned against the locker" Maya said.

"I didn't do it this time Farkle" Maya said. "I believe you" Farkle said. "We all believe you" Lucas said. "I suppose we better get to class then" Riley said, they all walked to class and sat down. "Miss Hart no sunglasses in class" Mr Matthews said,

Maya pulled down her sunglasses ever so slightly to reveal her eyes. They once again changed grey. "You know what keep them on" Mr Matthews said, Maya smiled at him. "Now your project is due next week Friday" Mr Matthews said.

"What project?" Maya asked mr Matthews turned to face the blackboard. 'What does love mean to you?' He wrote. "I hate love" Maya said "why?" Mr Matthews asked, "I chews on what little hope you have and then destroys us in a matter of seconds" Maya said,

"You seem very passionate about the subject Miss Hart" Mr Matthews said "I just don't believe in love" Maya said, "well maybe your partner can teach you a little bit about love" Mr Matthews said and he gave her a small wink.

"Who's her partner?" Farkle asked "Lucas Matthews" Mr Matthews said, "I'm working with your son?" Maya asked "maybe he can help you understand love Miss Hart" Mr Matthews said "no one can" Maya said.

"Why not?" Mr Matthews asked "dad if Purple was an emotion what emotion would it be?" Riley asked, "uh I don't know, love. Anyway moving on. Why not?" Mr Matthews sails "WAIT WHAT!?" farkle asked,

"PURPLE!? LOVE!? NO!" Farkle said. "What?" Mr Matthews asked. "PURPLE CANT MEAN LOVE!" Farkle said. "I have to... uh.. go bye!" Maya said as she got up and left. "What was that all about?" Mr Matthews asked.

"NOTHING!" Farkle said. "Now I have to go find my sister" Farkle said and he got up and left. "Purple can't mean love can it?" Riley asked. "I just guessed" Mr Matthews said. "I don't think he wanted you to guess... that" Lucas said.

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