Luke imagine for Holly

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You’ve just had a busy day helping your mum out at work. She’s in charge at a nearby record label, doing management things. You never really knew what she did exactly, because you’d always end up drifting off and daydreaming about something else before she could even finish telling you.

She’d asked you to come in today, just to help out with recording, setting up the booths, getting coffee’s for the artists or simply just making sure everything was working out okay.

There had been a band in today, 5 seconds of summer, or something along those lines. Again, you weren’t really paying much attention. The only thing that was grabbing your attention was a certain member of that band. He had introduced himself as Luke Hemmings, and since the two of you had met, you hadn’t been able to keep your eyes off him. He always looked so deep in concentration with his music though, that he never realised you were staring at him. He would occasionally look up and you’d pretend that you were hard at work, but he’d just laugh or smile at the floor.

You’ve just clocked off for the day, and you’re walking down a long corridor to catch the elevator down to reception. You press the button and the doors open with a shudder. You’re almost worried that it seems a little shaky, but it’s been a very long day and you can’t be bothered with walking down 50 sets of stairs. You step inside and just as the doors are sliding shut again, you hear a voice call out, “Holly, hold it please!”

You instinctively stick your arm out and push them apart again, as Luke jogs down the corridor, joining you in the elevator.

He smiles at you and drops his bag to the floor, standing opposite you.

You’re both stood in an awkward silence, glancing at each other when the other looks away, when suddenly the lights flicker, the dropping comes to a sickening stop and the gears grind to a halt.

Immediately you look over at Luke who is completely calm about the situation, simply looking up at the flickering light with a confused expression on his face, whereas you start to freak out. You didn’t work with well with confined spaces; you’d always had a slight touch of claustrophobia.

You begin to feel quite faint and you begin to shake, so you have to sit down before you end up collapsing.

Luke notices this and sits beside you, placing a hand on your back, “Are you okay?”

You shake your head and look up at him, tears in your eyes. He can see how scared you are so he begins rubbing circles on your back, trying to calm you down.

Around half an hour later, you’re sat cross-legged, still on the floor as Luke plays with your hair, keeping you relaxed, when the doors finally open again.  

You quickly grab your bag and stand up, and Luke does the same, following you out.

“So urm, Holly, I was wondering if we could do this again sometime? Well, not exactly do that again, obviously, but I’d love to see you again,” He tells you, stumbling over his words as he suddenly gets embarrassed.

“Yeah, I’d like that, and thanks for helping me,” You smile, tapping your number into his phone after he passes it to you.

“It was no problem. See you soon then,” He bites his lip, grinning.

“See you soon then,” You match his words and pull your bag further onto your shoulder, before leaving to catch your bus home.

5 seconds of summer imagines and preferences *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now