Michael Imagine From Tumblr

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Is funny, isn’t it? How you can fall in love with someone, but there is nothing that can assure they’re in love with you too—that the feeling is mutual.

I was scared. Maybe if I told him I’d get a wonderful surprise; or it all could break down, destroy this beautiful friendship we have, and shatter my heart into million pieces.

But, yes, I was truly and deeply in love with him. My heart raced every time I glanced at him, and I wanted to bury my face (or my whole head, maybe) into a pill of cotton because he just made me feel like it. His fluffy hair made me want to giggle like a little baby, just like when he laughed shyly—which means every time he laughed. He often wore the same dirty white and oversized sweater that had holes all over the collarbone making him look cuddlier that he already was. I don’t even know how to describe what he made me feel every time he just… breathed. The only word I could think of was: infatuated.

The sunflower I held with my right hand only had three petals left. As I pulled them off, I said “he loves me; he loves me not,” you know, that old thing people always do when they’re in love—or they think they are. Right now, I said “he loves me not,” which meant I had to say “he loves me,” next. The last petal was still there, because I didn’t want to believe this stupid flower. So I left it there on my porch’s last step and walked to his house.

Michael lived across the street, right in front of my house. It’s always been like that since I moved to Sydney when I was five years old and he was seven. The first thing he ever did when we met what throw me into the mud and scream “Mud fight!” You may think I hated him, right? Well, you’re wrong. That was the first time my heart skipped a beat because of him—and it also was the first time I ever threw a mud ball at someone (Eh, him).

I knocked his door three times. I knew he was there, because his bike was placed on the pavement, beside his mom’s car. As I waited I fixed my hair a little. My hands twisted the end of my shirt, nervously. He made me feel sweaty, nervous, anxious and lonely. But he also made me feel loved.

I heard a noise coming from inside the house and I was greeted by Karen, Michael’s mom. Her dirty blonde hair was long, reaching under his shoulders. Her smile was always bright, despite the fact that Michael dropped out of school a month ago and all he did was play video games, eat pizza and basically trash the house every second of the day. She took care of him when she could, as she had a job to assist.

“Oh, love! Good seeing you ‘round,” She smiled. I still remember the day that Michael threw me into the mud, and she cursed at him saying “You don’t to that to girls, Michael! I hope that when you grow up you don’t turn out to be a dick,” and that’s one of the greatest memories I’ll ever have of her. “How have you been? I really haven’t seen you in a pair of weeks,”

I shrugged and pouted a bit as she took my wrist and dragged me into the cold white house, “I’ve been really busy with school. I had to do a project all by myself because the teacher didn’t want me to be in the same group as Luke so I had to do it alone…” I explained. That, and the fact that Michael made me feel more nervous than usual lately.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” She chuckled and then she said hurriedly “Michael is upstairs, dear!” Just like she remembered I was there to visit her son.

“Don’t worry, thanks,” I smiled and walked to his bedroom.

When I say Michael made feel anxious, it was true. I could barely breathe and I wasn’t even in his bedroom yet. But the thought of his green eyes staring into mine when I greeted him, and knowing that he would hug me tightly, like always, already made me feel like my heart would jump out of my chest.

I knocked on the door thrice, but I knew he would not come out to open it, Smash Mouth was blasting from his room and I could feel the floor shake. That’s my best friend. That’s the guy I’m in love with.

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