Calum imagine for Remy

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Calum has just got back from tour after being away for three months, but the past few days have been really bad. You thought you were over arguing now that you had been in a relationship with him for two years, but recently you’d been having serious problems over the tiniest things. Just a few examples were who would shower first in the morning, who would wash the dishes, how late he was coming home at night, who would make dinner and how much he would tease you when the boys were around. You were getting quite sick of it but you never said anything because you didn’t want tension, especially as you didn’t get to be with him for very long before he had to leave again.

One day, the boys are all round at your house, playing on the xbox. You’ve just showered and you can’t find the hairdryer anywhere. You walk into the front room with your hair dripping wet, and stand in front of the TV, making all of the boys groan, “Calum, where is the hairdryer?”

“I don’t know, you’re blocking the TV!”

You sigh, bending down to look for it and find it plugged into the socket near the TV. You pull the plug from the wall and suddenly, the TV and xbox both switch off.

“Remy, what the hell did you do that for?!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise that it was the wrong plug!”

“Yeah well now we’ve just lost the whole game, thanks a lot.”

You roll your eyes and stand up, trying not to let it get to you.

“You know Cal, you could try tidying up around here when the guys are round? There’s cans and pizza boxes everywhere, jesus christ.”

“I’ll do it later.”

“No you won’t, you always say you will and then you don’t, you leave me to do it. So don’t lie.” You walk into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water when he shouts, “Make me a drink while you’re in there?”

That was the final straw. You weren’t going to let him talk to you the way that he did and then act like everything was normal, embarrassing you in front of all his friends.

“How about you get up and do it yourself?! Are you physically incapable? No? Then get up for once and go and do it! And maybe find a new girlfriend while you’re at it.” You shout, then mumble the last bit but just loud enough for him to hear.

A few hours later, Calum knocks on your bedroom door. You don’t answer but he walks in anyway, after all, it is his room too.

“Remy…” He looks at you but you don’t reply.

“Look babe, I’m sorry for earlier. I’ve tidied everywhere and made you some dinner. I didn’t mean to upset you and I don’t want to fight with you, nevermind break up with you. I don’t know what I’d do without you, and not because you cook, clean and look after the house while I’m away. Because I love you, and I’d do anything for you. I don’t want you to give me the silent treatment anymore, please.” He takes your hand and rubs over it with his thumb.

You eventually smile, “Fine, but don’t ever make me tidy up your mess again,” you laugh.

“Deal.” He kisses you sweetly.

5 seconds of summer imagines and preferences *discontinued*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora