Ashton Imagine For Heather

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Hey guys its Ellieeeeeeeee!!!!

I ate to much KFC and I feel like fried chicken.

And don't forget to keep requesting imagines.


"It’s ALWAYS about you, Heather! It’s never what I want, it’s what YOU want me to do!” Ashton yells, throwing his hands around in exasperation, emphasizing his point. “That is so completely not true!” you shout back defensively. “Of course it is! YOU want to go some place with me so I can’t hang out with the boys. YOU want to eat Thai so we have to go out to a restaurant, YOU want me to stay home so I can’t go out and have a life. It’s ALWAYS about you, Heather!” 

“Then why do you agree to do these things if you don’t even want to do them?” you yell back, close to tears because you feel unjustly accused. You never thought of your demands as being unfair to Ashton. You never even considered that he might just be saying yes to all these things because he feels obligued, you thought he genuinely LIKED staying home instead of clubbing because he LOVES you.

Apparently, you were wrong. “Because Calum, Michael and Luke are right, I am WHIPPED But i’ve had enough, I am not tying myself down anymore. I am only 19, I have the right to have a life, one that doesn’t revolve around you!” Ashton retorts.

You say nothing, mostly because you are shocked. His tone has dropped from a shout to a normal level, and he sounds so calm, like he wasn’t just saying these things out of blind rage, he actually meant them. That probably hurt you the most, so much that you couldn’t even figure out how to respond to that.

“What, got nothing to say for once? No opinion?” Ashton asks, placing his hands on his hips. You aren’t used to this side of him. He is never anything but sweet and funny and cute. You have to be honest, sarcasm and anger don’t really work for him, but you are sill too stunned by his brutal honesty.

Ashton shakes his head, turning on his heels and leaving your house, slamming the door on the way out. The house is now eerily quiet. Your parents are out and you have no siblings, so it is only you in the dark, silent house, the loneliness suffocating you. You hate fighting with Ashton, and it’s ever been as bad as this. You wonder whether this was a break up. It sure feels like one. You want to cry, but are emotionally unable to, which is strange because just moments ago, you were fighting the urge to burst into tears and now, you couldn’t cry if you tried to. You remain standing in the same spot for half an hour, half expect Ashton to come back and make emmence, but it doesn’t happen. 

It’s always what YOU want me to doreplays in your head, and then it clicks. You have to take matters into your own hands. You have to show Ashton that it can be about him as well. You grab your keys and run into the street. It is dark and cold. Ashton only lives a few blocks away from you, so you take on the route by foot.

You start out walking but a few meters in, you start jogging, then running, until you are almost sprinting. Nearly no one is on the streets this time of night, just the occasional dog walker or car passes you. You near Ashton’s house, seeing a figure hover outside his gate. As you near it, you see it is Ashton, who looks very astonished to see you.

“Heather?” he asks in surprise. You respond with silence. Maybe you should have thought about what you were going to say because seeing him now, you are tongue tied and awkward. “I…. I came to apologise” you stammer, your lips dry from panting. “Did you walk here by yourself? At night?” he asks.

You nod and he shakes his head. “I’ve told you before you shouldn’t do that! There are dangerous people out there, Heather. Someone could have kidnapped you or worse” he says, his lips pursed in displeasure. A short pause follows. “I’m sorry” you whisper.

“For everything” you add. His dark green eyes lighten and the tension in his jaw fades as he pulls you into a hug. “I’m sorry too” he mumbles against your hair, stroking it carefully. “I didn’t mean what I said” he murmurs, pressing you tightly against his chest. You say nothing, feeling tears prick in your eyes again, which is weird considering you couldn’t cry earlier. “I love staying home with you and I love going out for Thai food and I love you, Heather.” “I love you too” you reply, closing your eyes, feeling safe and warm in his arms “Come inside, I’ll make you some hot chocolate and I’ll drive you back later” he says, leading you into his house. Just like that, the storm has passed, and you are back to being Ashton and Heather again, and will hopefully remain as such for a long time to come.


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