Chapter 8

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SooBi's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes. Wait ! Where am i ? I tried to open my eyes widely but I felt very weak. Then I heard someone call my name.

"Sweetie Sweetie can you hear me??"  She said happily.
"Doctor Doctor" she shouted.

1min later, the doctor and nurse rushed to me and checked my eyes and bla bla bla.

"She is fine now ." Doctor said.

My mom thank the doctor and the group left the room.

"Eomma are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine now. Don't worry sweetie."

"What about Appa?"

"His conditions is better than before. He just went back to his room and sleep."

"What ?" I surprised with(O mouth)

How could my eomma is fine right now and my dad conditions is better? Don't get it wrong. I'm so happy that they both recover greatly but isn't it too soon? Talking about long have i been sleeping ?

"Eomma what date is today ?"

"17 oct 2016"

I'm speechless. I've been sleeping for 2month already. How could I say my eomma and my appa recover so fast ? -.-

Jimin's pov

"Eomma I'm here"


"OMG ! Our Baby is awake now."

I ran to her and hugged her tight. I miss her so bad my dear sister.

"I'm really happy to see you my beauty." I sobbed.

"Eomma why don't you call me?"

"I called you but you don't answer me." 😒😒 lol xD

"Stay with your dongsaeng ok? I'll go and buy sth for you guys to eat."

Then she left. SooBii smile widely but she still weak and pale. Pity my little baby. 😢😢

"Anw, Oppa why am I here ? I asked Eomma but she didn't tell me." She pouted.

I just smiled and didn't answer her question. :')


Me and Appa were going to leave hospital today. I was very excited. Can't wait to see my paradise room. XD it was very boring staying at the hospital and their food wasn't delicious. Oh! One thing, I still wondered why I ended staying at the hospital. Nobody bother telling me. Everytime I asked them, they always changed the topic or avoided it. Damn !!!

However, I'm still happy and excited. I can't wait to have a dinner with all my family members. It has been forever since we had a meal together. ☺️☺️

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