Chapter 6

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Chapter dedicated to Isabel,one of my other best friends! I love you and thank you for all those funny moments! <3


Harry's POV

Woah,I can't believe she accepted. What if she said yes for who I am and not for who I.. really am? Should I trust her? Yes,I should. I mean,have you heard her story? Poor girl. I put on a white plain T-Shirt and black jeans and decided to buy a rose for her. I hope everything will go well.

Daria's POV

Oh my god. I'm going out with Harry Styles. Isn't he afraid that I will destroy his reputation? I mean,I am ugly and so on. Why would he want to spend time with me? I know the boys support girls with problems like mine,but I never thought I would ever go out with one of them. I dressed with a warm sweater,dark jeans and my red Converse. I combed my hair,perfumed myself and went out to meet Harry in the park,at the fountain. When I got there,he was already here,looking at me and smiling. 

"Hi,Harry!" I said,smiling.

"Hey!" he handed me a beautiful red rose.

"Awww,Harry! You didn't have to!" I hugged him. He is so sweet. 

We started to walk in the park,we laughed we talked,we ate unhealthy food. Everything seems brighter when I am with him. I actually feel good,and happy,and not fake-smiling and so on. I smiled to myself. An idea came in my mind. I was bored of sitting on the bench so I got up and ran away,shouting:

"Catch me if you can!" I laughed and started to run really fast. He was behind me and I can tell,he is a good runner. But I won't lose,right? Not this time. I ran,pushing people and hiding. Just when I thought he was gone,I turned around and bumped into him.

"Oh crap!" I laughed and ran away again. I could hear him laughing. He was way too close to catching me,so I decided to fake an accident. I "tripped" and fell down.

"Ouch! My knee! Harry,help me!"

His beautiful smile dissapeard and worry was on his face. He really cares? Somebody cares about me? Anyways,I started "crying" and he hugged me.

"Shhh,let me see how bad is it." 

I looked at him,smiled,pushed him gently away and started to run again.

"Loser!" I shouted,laughing again. I was close to the fountain,so I decided to stay there. While I was looking for him,I felt two warm hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me up. It took me a few moments to realise that,later,I was in the water. With Harry. In a fountain.

"Harry!!! Why would you do that?" I asked,laughing and splashing him.

"Because I wanted to show you that I am not a loser." he said,smirking and splashing back. After a few minutes,paparazzi were all over here,taking pictures of us.

"Uhm,we should probably go,Harry.." I said,worried about his reputation. My cheeks turned red when he grabbed my hand and held it,helping me get out of the fountain. The paparazzi were following us,asking Harry if I am his girlfriend. Hah,I wish that. He ignored them and we walked to my house for more privacy. By the time we got there,we were still wet,so when we got in,Harry took his shirt off. Oh my god. His abs. His tattoos. Am I dreaming?

"Daria.. You're drooling!" he said,bursting into laughter and falling on the floor,with tears of laughter rolling down his perfect cheeks.

"What? No! I never drool!" Just when I look at pictures of you guys topless on google (Isabel,that pic =)) ), I said to myself. Or at least,I thought I did.

"You whaaaaat?" he said,laughing again.

"Oh shut up,you little cute topless thing!" I said and covered my mouth when I realised I said it out loud again.

"Oh my god,I'm dying!!!" he laughed again and again.

"That's it." I took a pillow and started to hit him with it. Hard. Like,really,really hard.

"Ouch! Stop it! Daria,please!" he said,still laughing.

"You think you can laugh of me and my inner fangirl that accidentally came out? Maybe you should watch videos with yourself laughing,Hazza! In one you souned like you hiccuped. (Isabel, again :)) )

"That's not true! I sounded cute!" he pouted.

He is so cute when he pouts.

"So you watched videos of you lauging? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Who sounds stupid now?"

But right after I finished my sentence,I was on the floor next to Harry,who was tickling me to death. I haven't laughed like this in ages. And it feels so good. I kicked his balls,but gently, and then laughed. He yelped in pain and gave me a death,but funny glare. I knew what was going to happen. I ran in the kitchen and hid,but I ended up with flour in my hair.

No,my hair! Oh Harry! You'll never know what hit you! Besides my knee,lol. I smashed some eggs in his perfectly curly hair and poured some flour too. He looked so funny! I took a picture of him and laughed.

"Oh,Harry,Harry. Never in a milion years (Isabel :)) ) touch my hair!"  I said and tweeted the picture to him. His phone buzzed and looked at the picture.

"Oh my god! I look like a cake before being put in the oven!" he cried but then laughed. He is so peeeeeeerfect. Ugh I love him.

"You should take a shower" I laughed again. "The bathroom is upstairs and you have towels too."

"Thanks. Join me?" he smirked.

What?! Oh my god, I really am dreaming. Somebody pinch me. He wanted me to join him in the shower? Ok,awkward.. and hot. Lol,I'm such a perve.

"Uh,nah thanks." I replied softly and went in the living room.

Harry's POV

Oh my god. I can't believe I said that out loud. It's like I was fangirling for her. Control yourself Harry,she probably thinks that you are a freak now. Good job,Harry! I went to the bathroom and took a long and hot shower. I used her chocolate shower gel and shampoo. So this is why she smells like this,so beautiful and yummy. If I was Niall,I would have probably eaten her so far.

What is happening to me?


Sorry for the long waiting. I hope you will enjoy it. Love you,guys! <3

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