I Meet My Heroes With My Goat Friend

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Sup, I'm Rae O'Sullivan. You might be expecting me to go on a whole spiel on how I never wanted to be a demigod, and how you should run away screaming if you think you relate to this. But if I were to say that, that would be a huge lie. In fact, I have always wanted nothing more then to be a demigod. You see, I was once a crazy fangirl like you. I shipped the ships, I cried at the feels, and I loved loved loved Leo Valdez. I used to think it was fictional, but I had always hoped it was real. And on one amazingly weird day, I found out it was.

It started as a regular day at school. Getting in trouble for knitting in class, whistling the Attack on Titan opening 1, counting backwards by 7 from 1000 just to freak out my friends, and all that stuff.

It was the last day of school, and one of my best friends, Lila, was already gone off on some vacation or something. During gym class though, things got weird. We were about to start playing dodgeball, and I was yelling at people to shut up, so I could tell them what the strategy was, when I heard loud sizzling footsteps.

It rattled walls, and shook the floor. My nose was engulfed in the stench of coals and lizard poo. Suddenly, the door broke open. In the doorway, stood a full grown chimera, its eyes glowing like a house fire.

Everyone screamed, and started running towards the other three exits. The beast roared, drowning out the rest of the chaos. I stood in utter shock, staring at the horrifying from of the creature. Before I knew what was happening, there were a pair of knitting needles in my hand. But they weren't knitting needles. They were twin 3ft long Celestial bronze swords.

I didn't know how my knitting needles had become lethal weapons, or why I knew they were Celestial bronze, but those were questions for when I wasn't going to be charred like an over cooked steak.

Inexplicably, I stood in a perfectly balanced stance, with the swords in my hands. I charged the monster, like Eren charging the Colossal Titan, and almost stabbed it in the gut. My blades grazed it's reptilian skin, sparking. I then realized not everyone had left the gym.

My friend Alec was standing in the middle of the gym, playing the reed piped he always had around his neck. But he had changed pants. As he ran closer, I realized he hadn't changed pants, he wasn't wearing pants. He had goat legs.

Before I had the chance to hit the chimera, Alec grabbed my wrist, and sprinted towards the back exit. I yelled, "Dude! I almost had that thing! And why don't you have pants?!" "I'll explain later!" He yelled back, and I could swear he bleated.

When we got outside, he made the loudest taxi whistle I had ever heard. "Ok, one, I think you broke my eardrums," I told him, "and two, we're in the parking lot of a school, during school hours, in a small town, in the lower mainland. No cabs are going to hear-"

I was cut off by the screeching tires of a black hearse-like vehicle. Alec sighed, "Whew. I thought they wouldn't hear me, all the way out here." He grabbed my wrist, and sprinted to the car, and pulled me in to the cab. "What the actual hell? I have sooo many questions for you mister!"

"Alright, I'm a satyr, half goat, half human, we're going to Camp-Halfblood, and you're a demigod." He huffed. "Um, come again? Demigod? Like in PJO, HoO, and ToA? But, that's fiction." I sputtered. "Yeah, mortals think it's fiction too. But do those swords look like fiction? Do my goat legs look like fiction? Rick Riordan is a demigod!" Alec told me, "that's why he knows about Percy Jackson, and Leo Valdez."

I sat in the cab, staring staring at the back of the chair in front of me. "Leo Valdez, what a nice boy!" Said a raspy voice from the chair I was staring at. "Oh yes, and cute!" Said another. "Oh, you two shut up! We're much to old for him." Said a third.

"Um, Alec, who are these people?" I asked, turning towards him. "Oh honey, we're the Fates! I'm Clotho, spinner of the thread of life." Said the driver. "I'm Lachesis, decider of life expectancy!" Said the middle one. "And I'm Atropos, cutter of the thread of life!" Exclaimed the last. "Okie dokie..." I said.

"Well, looks like we're here!" Alec sighed, sensing my discomfort. "Where?" I asked. "Camp-Halfblood. Duh!" As we got out of the cab, I saw he was right. There it was, Halfblood Hill, the Golden Fleece, its protector Peleus, the Athena Parthenos, and all.

As soon as I had stepped out of the cab, it was gone. I walked up the hill, and looked down on the camp I had dreamed of for so many years. "Rae? You alright buddy?" Alec asked. "Um, what do you think. I'M IN FREAKING CAMP-HALFBLOOD!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!" I whisper-screamed.

As I started climbing down the hill, I tripped. Not really the majestic entrance I had dreamed of. I tumbled down the hillside, like I had tumbled down my Tumblr feed so many times. Quickly and painfully.

When I got to the bottom, I lay on the floor, cringing at my fall, when a tanned, calloused hand helped me up. When I got up, I looked down a bit, and saw a tanned, elvish face looking back at me. "Hello madam! The names Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, resident fire-power." he grinned. "Yeah, hi. Thank you by the way. I'm Rae O'Sullivan, daughter of who knows, resident clumsy fangirl." I said.

"Wait. You're Leo Valdez. Holy crap. Do you know if there is a library anywhere?" I asked. "Um yes, there's one in the Big House, the password is Ravenclaw." He said. "And how do you know my name?" He asked, as I sprinted to the Big House.

Once I was inside, I ran around, through hallways that I had mapped out in my head, towards the library. Leo hadn't told me where it was, but I could feel it. When I got inside, I stopped. It was like a dream, almost like the Beast's library, like the Disney movie. Once I had finished marvelling at the books, I saw her.

"LILA ALAGONA!!!" I screamed, "WHAT THE HADES!!!I THOUGHT YO WERE ON VACATION, BUT NOOOOO YOU'RE AT CAMP-HALFBLOOD, BECAUSE YOU'RE A FREAKING DEMIGOD!!! HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS??!!" "Rae? Oh my gods, you're here." She stared at me, "I always wondered..." "Ok Ms. Alagona, you're going to tell me right now what is going on." I growled.

"Uh, Lila, who is this scary girl?" asked a boy my age, with messy dark hair, and sea green eyes. Next to him, was another girl my age, with a tight blonde ponytail, and stormy grey eyes. "This is Rae O'Sullivan, a friend from school, and apparently a fellow demigod. Rae, this is Percy Jackson, my brother, and Annabeth Chase." Lila introduced us.

I shook Percy's hand. "You're Percy Jackson, like the Percy Jackson? From the Rick Riordan books?" I asked, trying not to squeal. "Yeah, nice to meet you." he said, "Rick Riordan, he's that son of Athena who wrote those books about us, right?" He asked Annabeth.

"Yes, my brother." She shook my hand, with a firm grip, "Nice to meet you Rae." she smiled, but I could tell that she was assessing the easiest way to take me down, should that problem present itself. I was scared of her, but not as much as I was impressed.

I had lived for these characters, and I shipped them to no end, I had even read some fanfics. Don't get me started on those. But meeting was amazing.

I got up and asked Annabeth, "Do you guys have those books?" "Yeah probably." She said. As I walked to the nearest shelf, The Lost Hero flew into my hand. "Ok..." I said slowly, looking over at Lila, Percy and Annabeth. They were staring back at me, not at my face, just above my head. I looked up, and saw a gleaming owl on an olive branch. Lila, still staring above my head said slowly, "Well that answers that."

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