Just When I Thought Camp Could Be Normal

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As we walked to the dining pavilion, I asked Sophie, "So, is this normal, for Chiron to call emergency meetings?" "Not really," she said, "the last time this happened, the Romans were stationed outside camp. And that was not a good time."

"Wait, you were here during The Blood of Olympus?!" I stared at her in disbelief. "I got here around House of Hades." Sophie said. "Ditto." Lila smiled, and they did a fist bump."

"So... does that mean a huge war is gonna break out with, like, Mesopotamian demigods?" I asked. "Nah, don think so." Lila giggled. "Hum, what about Norse einherjar?" I asked, smirking.

"The what now?" Sophie asked, tilting her head. "Ooooooh I know things you don't! MWAH HA HA HA" I cackled. "Okay then, nut job." Lila said.

As we walked to the pavilion, we talked about different mythologies. Apparently, the events of Sword of Summer hadn't happened yet, or Annabeth wouldn't say anything.

As we sat down, I noticed the guy who's first impression of me wasn't the best. Right there, in all his short, greasy glory, was Leo freaking Valdez.

I turned beet red. After a few seconds, Lila and Sophie elbowed me from either side. Sophie leaned in and whispered, "Stop ogling, you look insane." "Well, glad that I'm portraying my self properly!" I smiled.

Then Chiron yelled over the hub-bub of the dining hall. "Hello Demigods, satyrs, dryads, and other nymphs, and welcome too our start of summer initiation! It seems we have received a new camper today! Please welcome Rae O'Sullivan!" All around the pavilion, people clapped and cheered.

Chiron tried to regain the camps focus by yelling "Everyone be quiet, or no dessert!" Which surprisingly shut everyone up. The centaur continued. "As it seems, Ms. O'Sullivan has already been claimed by the goddess of crafts, owls, olives and wisdom, as well as many other things I can't think of... Athena!!!" Even more cheering from the crowd.

"As I would you all to know, Rae was claimed mere moments after her arrival. This hasn't happened since Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, at the start of the last Great War." Leo looked to me, and mouthed, "Twinsies!" And gave me a thumbs up. 

Chiron continued, "The Gods only exhibit this behaviour when the fate of the camp is a stake. So be vigilant! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" I giggled at his (maybe) accidental reference, but everyone looked somber, and depressed.

The I remembered that most of these people had fought in that war, and that many of them had lost friends, siblings and significant others in the battle. I didn't understand their pain, and I didn't want too.

It that moment I realized what I was meant for. I was created to help win a war. A Great War, at that.

Just as I gathered my thoughts, there was a huge rumble come from the far side of camp.

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