Time to Put Those Needles to Work

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A.N. If you want the full experience for the battle scene, listen to "That Green Gentlemen" or "This is Gospel" both by PANIC! At The Disco while reading. It's really funny. Also, expect more notes like this, recommending songs to listen too while reading. I'll give a better explanation in the next chapter.

"Oh bloody hell." Lila sighed, "Not again!" Everyone in the pavilion looked towards the strawberry fields. I turned and squinted towards the sunny farmland.

After a few silent moments, a hoard of Karpoi stumbled into view. Once they did a quick head count, careful to make sure they hadn't lost their numbers in the brush, then sprinted as fast as their stubby legs would carry them towards the pavilion.

All the campers' hands flew to sheaths on their hips, or ran to the armoury to get some weapons. I suddenly remembered the lethal craft supplies in my pocket.

I grabbed the knitting needles from my pocket and charged the grain spirits. I sliced through a few before a  barley Karpos bit into my calf. I winced, but continued to fight.

I saw Lila blast a few of the little bastards off their feet, and drowned them.

I caught a glimpse of Nico raising an army of skeletal warriors to defend the camp, them immediately fall into Will's waiting arms. Will rolled his eyes and kissed Nico's forehead before running the Prince of Darkness to the infirmary. I internally started screaming "SOLANGELOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Annabeth and Malcom were standing at a fold-out table with maps of the camp sprawled out, yelling orders. They were telling everyone to charge right into the hoard, in case there was more of them. As everyone did so, I looked around for the rest of the demigods.

I saw many laying on the ground, blood falling from fang shaped wounds in their legs and arms, before children of Apollo dragged them back to the cabins.

There were also many campers still fighting, though they seemed to have the worst injuries.

Just then, I thought,
Great. My first day at Camp Halfblood and we're all gonna get obliterated by demon plants.

As I was about to give up, a giant Celestial bronze dragon swooped into view. On it's back, was a tiny elvish figure. I smiled as Festus burnt the Karpoi to a crisp with his fire breath.

With the evil plants gone, the Apollo campers got all the injured to the infirmary, and started cleaning them up.

I sat on a bed beside Sophie who had been knocked out by the heat of Festus' breath. She had been fighting in the thick of the hoard when Leo unleashed the final attack.

Leo was sitting on her bed, apologizing profusely, and begging Will to make her better. When Will told him she'd be fine, once her body temperature cooled down, he huffed and sat back down beside her.

I looked over at him and said calmly, "She'll be okay. She's gotten heat stroke before." "Yeah, but she was right there when Festus charred all those Karpoi! And wha-" he started before I cut him off. "Leo, she'll be fine." I cooed trying to get off my bed to comfort him.

I pushed myself into a sitting position, then tried to swing my legs off the side. I had almost forgotten about the barley-bite in my calf, until the bandage slipped, and the wound was exposed to the air. I winced, when Leo saw the mark, he said "Wait, oh my gods, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I grimaced at the pain, "I'm fine." He sat down beside me, totally forgetting about Sophie, and started re-wrapping my leg.

Will saw him, freaked out, and started coming over to do it properly. "Mr Valdez, what in the name of Apollo's lyre are you doing? You're going to get grease in the wound!" Will seethed. He pushed Leo to the end of my bed and re-re-wrapped my leg.

Leo looked down, and realized he didn't have any parts to distract him. So, he did what humans, (or in this case demi humans) do best. He attempted to make small talk.

"So, Rae is it? How do you know my name?" He asked blushing. "Well, there's this son of Athena who wrote a whole series about you and the rest of the Seven, Reyna, and Nico's adventures. It's pretty epic." I told him. "Ok cool. If it's a book series, do I have fangirls?" He asked and smiled.

"Umm, how do you know what fangirls are? Percy was super confused when I told him about the books. And thanks Will!" I said, noticing Will had patched up my leg again.

"Well, when I was hopping from foster home to foster home, I really got into the Hunger Games and Doctor Who. And all the other people who liked that stuff were girls, and they sorta edumacated me on the fandom world."

He replied. "Well, that's neat. And to answer your question, you do have fangirls. And very many of them were quite pissed when you went off with Calypso. What happened with her anyway?" I said. He smiled until he heard Calypso's name.

Before I could ask him what was wrong, Chiron's voice came over the loud speaker. "All righty everyone! Could everyone on the premises report to the pavilion again? Thanks."

When the speaker turned off, Sophie finally came to. "How long was I out?!" She asked, shooting up. "It's been about 45 minutes Soph, you're fine." "Ok, I know I'm fine, but what about you? There's a sizeable chunk out of your leg!" She whisper-screamed.

She got up off her cot, and pulled me up too. Then she put her arm around my shoulders, and started walking me the pavilion. When Leo tried to take some of the burden, she shooed him off, and continued on.

"What'd'you do that for!" I asked, annoyed she had told such a nice guy to "go char another karpos." "Rae, dude, I did it so I could interrogate you, alone. Now lets go find Lila." We found Lila in the common garden between the cabins, sitting in the pond.

Lila put her arm around my other shoulder, and for the rest of the walk, I filled them in on what had happened in the infirmary, pausing occasionally for the girls to gasp, or fake swoon.

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