Sewing Machines and Bullies

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Once the sign form my mother, Athena, faded, Annabeth and Lila ran up and hugged me. "Rae! This is awesome! I always kind of suspected that you were a demigod, but I couldn't figure out who your godly parent was, and the choices were doubled, since you've never met your mom, or dad!" Lila started rambling,

"I thought maybe Apollo, since you never stop humming, or even Hades, since you kind of freak people with your presence. Athena! It's so obvious! You've been sewing and crafting since forever, you love owls, and you always get straight A's." "Welcome to camp, fellow daughter of Athena! I'll show you our Cabin!" Annabeth smiled, and hugged me again.

She quickly glanced back at Percy, who quickly said "Congrats Rae!" As Lila, Annabeth and I started walking to the door, Alec burst in, breathing heavily. I walked up to him, to see if he was alright, since he was doubled over huffing, but he stuck up a finger, to tell me to wait.

When he had recovered, he looked me in the eye, which was hard, as he was about 3" shorter then me, and said, "What the Hades, Rae! Why'd'cha ditch me at the hill? I had to go tell Chiron that we had gotten here safely,but when I get back, poof. You're gone!"

As soon as he had finished talking, Chiron walked through the door, careful to not hit his head on the doorframe. The centaur said "Hello Rae! Welcome to Camp Halfblood! Annabeth, if you could take her to the Hermes cabin, that'd be great." "Actually, Chiron, Rae was just claimed by Athena," Annabeth told him, grinning, " so I'll just take her to the Athena Cabin."

And with that, Annabeth, Lila and I walked down to Cabin 6. When we got inside, I stopped dead. The ceiling was painted with owls on olive branches, there were book shelves going around all the walls, stocked with textbooks, novels, and little figurines. It was much larger then you would think, from seeing the outside. (A.N. ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE.)

The two side walls were lined with 3 loft beds on either side, with messy desks under them, covered in papers and a laptop on each. Some had sewing machines and maps as well. They all looked in use and I was confused, as the Athena Cabin had so many more campers, so Annabeth said "There are more beds downstairs."

I asked, still staring at the room, "When did you get a basement?" Lila replied, "The Hephaestus Cabin dug basements for all the overflowing cabins. It was Leo and Harley's idea."

We walked to the back wall, lined with high tables and bar chairs, covered in maps, and Monopoly money. Annabeth sighed, and pulled on a book in the middle of the shelf, a very old book of Ancient Greek monsters, and a small hatch with the sign of Athena emerged from the floor, bearing the same emblem that had appeared above my head earlier.

Lila pulled the hatch open, and let Annabeth and I down into the basement. Down a blue spiral staircase, there were about two dozen loft beds with sewing machines, laptops, and papers on the desks. Some were closed, with linen curtains covering the space under the bed, each with an initial, or picture embroidered on it.

There were also curtains going around the edge of the beds, with the same logo as the large underneath it, some with a faint glow behind them, a sign that someone was either working on their laptop, of watching Netflix.

Even those all looked used, but Annabeth kept walking, until I thought we would run into the wall, it seemed to move back several feet, until there was enough space for a bed. Annabeth snapped her fingers, and a bed materialized on each side. I stared at it in disbelief, when Annabeth said "The Hecate Cabin also charmed it, so it would grow to accommodate the growing population of the camp."

All I could say was, "Cool." There was a pile of the same white line used in all of the bed curtains. There was also a pile of embroidery thread and embellishments. I started hopping up and down, and when Annabeth nodded, I scrambled up the wooden ladder, up to the bed.

There were white pillows with blue stripes, and bedding with green stripes. There was an owl sleep mask, just like the one I had at the foster home. I climbed down and into the work area under the bed.

There was a laptop on the desk, pens and paper, and a pullout side-desk with the sewing machine. I was about to sit down and start working on the curtains, when Lila grabbed my arm, and said, "Not so fast, Ms. Crafty, I've got to show you the rest of the camp!" "But I already know the camp! I've been reading the books for ages." I replied. "Yes, but Rick Riordan left out a few details." Lila smirked. "Ok, fine." I giggled.

I was about to grab Annabeth's arm when she said, "Sorry Rae, I've got to go get mad at Malcom, he still hasn't cleaned off the tables upstairs, from last night's game of Monopoly. He lost fair and square."

I smiled and waved to her, as I was dragged out of the Athena Cabin by Lila. We walked into the common area between the cabins, where there were children of Ares playing Mercy, Hephaestus kids hooking up a new celestial bronze wifi router to the CHB flag in the garden, while Demeter kids were getting mad at them for stepping in their flowers. There were sons and daughters of Hermes trying to steal a block of gold of off of the Hades Cabin, not noticing the small army of skeletons sneaking up behind them.

It was amazing physically walking through the camp that I had dreamed of for so long. As Lila and I were walking to the volleyball pit, this tall, dark haired girl dressed entirely in pink stepped in front of us. She was terrifyingly pretty.

She walked up to me, and said "Looks like we got a new nerd here! And it seems Watergirl's got a friend!" "Oh shut it Tanaka." Lila huffed.

If my Lila reading skills are as good as they used to be, I could tell the nearest toilet was going to explode any moment now so I stepped in.

"You think maybe you could quit your yapping, Pinkie Pie? Cause I don't think you want to be doused in toilet water." I said, gesturing at Lila.

"For the record, I don't appreciate people talking to me, or my friends like that." And with that, I walked away, pulling Lila by the wrist. "Gods of Olympus she's annoying. I hope she gets eaten by a Hellhound." I sighed. I turned to Lila, who was doubled over laughing her head off. "What is it? Tell me your secrets, daughter of Poseidon!" I said.

"Pinkie Pie?! I'm gonna use that." Lila managed through chuckles. "Was it really that good?" I asked. "Meh not really." Lila and I walked to the volleyball pit giggling uncontrollably.

As we got closer, I saw satyrs and nymph playing against other campers, when I saw someone very familiar. "Sophie?! What the Hades! Is everyone I know a demigod?!" I yelled, running towards one of my closest friends.

She looked over at me, confused, but when she recognized me, she spiked the ball over the net, and sprinted to me. She nearly tackled me, laughing her head off.

"So let the get this straight, you,"I said pointing to Lila, "Sophie and Alec are all Greek mythology come to life. Gods and Titans, this is nuts." "Dam, you're quick." Sophie giggled.

I then heard Chiron's voice come on over the loud speakers. "Good evening to you, Demigods! Could everyone report to the dining pavilion for an important announcement. Including all nature sprits and nymphs. I repeat, everyone on the premises, please report to the dining pavilion, at once."

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