No One Died. Well Thats a First!//Song Recommendation Explanation

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Since I've been listening to music when writing, the song that I'm listening to can change the mood of the chapter. Sometimes when I hear a song that would fit a part of the story, I write the chapter around that song. Kinda silly I know. But for the flashback, try listening to "Nicotine" by PANIC! At The Disco. I'm sorry, but I'm kind of obsessed with them right now. Any who, onward with the story!!

Once we got to the pavilion, Lila and Sophie sat me down on a bench, and waited for Chiron to speak. A few moments later, the centaur walked up to his podium.

"Hello campers, nature spirits, and other beings! Sorry about calling two emergency meetings in one day, but I have a very exiting announcement! But before that, I have some bad news. It would appear that we have lost Sophie Mochue-" he was cut off by Sophie yelling,

"DUDE! I'M RIGHT HERE!" The pavilion erupted into a fit of giggles. "Oh. Okay then. Nobody died." The old centaur mused, bewildered, "Well that's a first. So, we don't have bad news. Yay!"

The pavilion cheered, throwing fists into the air. "GUYS CALM DOWN!" Chiron yelled over the cheers. "What I was trying to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, was that, tomorrow night we're going to have a dance, of sorts, on the beach. The Dionysus Cabin has so generously offered to supply the food and drink, and the Demeter and Aphrodite Cabins have offered to decorate!"

I looked around, to see Piper and Miranda beaming, and Pollux looking quite confused. He obviously didn't sign up for this.

"As most of you are angsty teens," Chiron started again, "I have a few rules to ensure the safety and comfort of everyone here..." he droned on with the rules for a few minutes.

As he was telling that there was "no grinding allowed" Piper McLean sat down next to Sophie. They spoke quickly, then Piper turned to me, and introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Piper. Pleased to meet you!" "Hi. I'm Rae O'Sullivan." We shook hands.

Then Lila leaned in and asked, "Pipes, can you help us get ready for this dance? Cause none of us know the first thing about fashion." "No prob, Lil!" As Piper walked back to her siblings, Chiron finally stopped talking about all the rules.

"So, you guys have 24 hours to prepare yourselves for this thing. That should be enough, right?" He looked to the Aphrodite Cabin, and they nodded. "Case closed, now go be smelly teenagers." Chiron yelled.

As everyone made their way out of the pavilion, Sophie asked if I wanted to join her and some other demigods in a game of volleyball. I almost said yes, till I saw Leo sitting on the shore, drawing something in the sand. I told Sophie that I'd play tomorrow, and walked over to Leo.

"Hey Fire Power!" I called to Leo, sitting alone on the beach. "Oh," he looked up from his drawing in the sand, "hey Rae." I sat down beside him, and noticed that he was sketching Calypso in the sand.

"I-uh, sorry I never got to tell you what happened to..her" he said quietly, gesturing to the portrait. "Well, you don't have to tell me." I said, blushing. "No, I should tell someone. Everyone who's asked never got a straight answer, but I think you deserve one."

"I met her on Ogygia, where I was flown by Khione. She hated me. She begged the gods to make me leave, but the enchanted raft never showed up."

He started. I wanted to tell him that I knew all this, because I had read HoO many times over, but I didn't  want to stop him.

"She ignored me for a few days, but eventually, she didn't mind me being there so much. I knew I would have to leave, but I never wanted to.
Lost control and I don't want it back
She didn't seem to want me to go, either. I thought I loved her, but I don't think it was love. At least not mutually.
I've gone numb I've been hijacked
We were together maybe a month, and she said she loved me. She kissed me. The next morning, the raft showed up.
I taste you on my lips I can't get rid of you
I left to continue the fight with Gaea and the Giants,but promised to come back for her. Worst mistake of my life. We won the war, and died in the final battle. But Festus administered the Physician's Cure, so I wasn't dead anymore. But before I went back to my friends, I went back to Calypso. I flew her around the world, only to find she cheated on me in Spain with some bozo named Roberto.
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do
She said it was the worst mistake she had ever made, and I believed her.
You're worse then nicotine nicotine
This happened a few more times, where she would end up going home with some other bastard, but I always forgave her.
You're worse then nicotine nicotine
It was at least another two months that I would go along with this. Then finally in bloody Disneyland, yesl she dumped me in Disneyland, she finally got tired of her little game, and ran off with some jackass named Chad. I flippin' hate Chad."

When he finished the story, I heard shaky breath. I realized he was crying. At first I didn't know what to do, but suddenly, I was putting my arms on his shoulders, and pulling him closer.

"Leo... it's okay... no one's gonna hurt you... it's okay... I'm here." I whispered in his ear. When he stopped crying he looked up at me. "Thanks Rae. Can I... um..." he asked looking me in the eyes. I smirked and pulled him in, closing the space between us. I pushed my lips into his, running my hands through his dark hair. He grabbed my waist pulled me even closer. That's very close.

After a few moments, I pulled away, blushing profusely. He laughed, pushing a curl behind his ear. "Well... that happened." He chuckled. Just as I looked back at him, Lila and Sophie ran down the hill to the shore.

"Oh my gods I ship it!!" They screeched. "Oh dear gods, why?" I mumbled my best friends sprinted down to Leo and I. "Ohmygodsohmygodsohmygods I ship ittt!!" Sophie screamed, hopping up and down. "Yell a little louder, I don't think Camp Jupiter heard you." Leo muttered.

Lila sat down calmly beside him, and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "If you hurt her, Soph and I will rip out your liver and feed it to you." She growled. "Do you understand?" Leo nodded quickly. "Good. Other than that, I think we'll get along just fine." She said, patting his collar.

As she backed into the water, she pointed to her eyes then to Leo's and was swallowed by the next wave. Sophie came up to him and said, "What she said." and ran off screaming "RALEOOO OTP!!!!" Leo, smirked, and helped me up.

He walked me to Cabin 6, kissed me on the cheek, and walked to his own cabin. When I got in the cabin, Annabeth, Piper, Lila and Sophie were all sitting at the Monopoly table.

"Where do you think you're doing, young lady coming back so late?" asked Annabeth, in a fake southern accent. Before I could answer, Piper grinned, "No excuses Missy! You're going to tell us what you were doing."

They all rested their heads on their fists, and practically stared into my soul. So, I told them everything. And now they all ship Raleo.

A.N. Okay okay, I know that was kinda shit, but 1, it was my first songfic, and 2, it was my first time writing a kiss scene. But did you still like it?

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