You Expect Me To Fight? In This?

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With Lila giving Leo the evil eye, and Sophie helping me walk, we got back to the snack table. "Soph, I'm fine." I said, pushing her off. "Okay, fine, but don't blame me when you fall on your face." She called, walking back to Travis. Lila gave up on intimidating Leo, and grabbed a can of Coke.

Just as she popped the tab, there came a huge tidal wave, which splashed most of the demigods on the beach. "Perce! Not cool!" Lila yelled at her brother, Percy. "It wasn't me!" He yelled back, gesturing to his soaking wet dress shirt.

I turned around to face the water, and whispered something that probably isn't allowed to be said on a website with children on it. A huge group of telekhines splashed up onto the shore. They brandished Celestial Bronze swords and Greek Fire bombs.

"Good thing I'm ludicrously paranoid!" Lila mumbled, annoyed, as she pulled a collapsible broadsword from a pocket on the inside of her belt. "My sentiments exactly, bro," I laughed, pulling the knitting-needle-swords from the back of my dress.

All over the floor, demigods and nature spirits alike produced weapons in all shapes and sizes. I saw Alec pull his reed pipes from his pocket. Clarisse la Rue pulled a spear seemingly from nowhere, until I realized it was telescopic. Percy fished his pen-sword, Riptide, from his shirt pocket. Will Solace ran to his sister's DJ booth and snatched a bow and quiver from behind a boom box. He then sprinted back to his boyfriend, Nico Di Angelo, who had just shadow-traveled back from his cabin, holding a pitch-black sword.

Before any of the beasts could attack, there was a shrill scream from the middle of the dance floor. "YOU EXPECT ME TO FIGHT?! IN THIS?!" It was Drew Tanaka. "We all know you can fight Pinkie Pie, much less in that skimpy dress of yours," I shot across the beach, "so can it so the grown ups can do their jobs."

Leo started walking towards me, hands blazing. Sophie, who had walked back over to Lila and I, made some ungodly noise somewhere in the back of her throat. She held her dagger dangerously, as if daring Leo to come closer. He did, however, which shows how dense he is.

"Nice one O'Sullivan," he chuckled, "no one's been able to get a good jab at Tanaka in ages!" "Why thank you sir," I mock-bowed, laughing. "Roasting basic bitches is my passion." For a moment, I nearly forgot about the vicious pack of aposable-thumbed aqua-canines. Nearly.

As I walked calmly into the throng, the first telekhine jumped at me. I sliced it down in one blow. Before it began to turn to dust, another struck. It blocked my first strike, then the second. But when it lost its balance, it was 'bye bye telekhine.' As I continued to knock down the foes, more fighters joined me.

Soon, I was fighting back to back with Lila and Sophie. We turned in slow circles, fending the monsters off each other. Then, we heard a scream. It was Travis. Don't ask me how Sophie knew it was him, but she insists that she knew.

Lila then saw her brother hit the ground, being dragged into the surf by a small group of telekhines. As if her feet were on fire, she ran to him, and helped Annabeth pull him out of their grasp.

I was then aware I was completely alone. I spun around to find at least six telekhines behind me. They snarled, bearing their long, sharp teeth. I heard another growl, and turned around again. A second group of another half-a-dozen telekhines stoop opposite to the first.

Great. Literally been here for two days, and I've almost died twice.

Just as I accepted the fact that was quite literally going to croak, the one, the only, the Leo Valdez came to save me. "Dude, You realize we're going to die right now?" I asked in desperation. "Dude, You realize I've already died?" He smiled, despite the dire situation.

His hands ablaze, and my knitting needles in hand, we charged out in opposing directions. As I slashed through monster after monster, I was dimly aware of the screams of telekhines as they were charred. Nothing like the smell of burning telekhine to really get you in the mood for a summer of training.

As I cut through the last monster, the camp fell silent. All the adrenalin that caused me to forget about my ankle drained from my body. Before I could cheer that we saved the camp, I realized that I was falling. Face first into the ground. Well isn't that a pleasant way to end a battle.

I woke up 8 hours later, a fresh bandage on the Karpos bite, and a cast on my ankle. "Perfect. Just Great!" I groaned. "I get to the camp of my dreams, and I've spent more time in the infirmary than out. "Well, at least it'll heal pretty quick," Will told me, checking my IV bag, "Last night, your ankle was all the way out of its socket, and now it's practically back to normal!" "So," I ventured, "I can go to breakfast?" I asked hopefully. "Nope, sorry Rae, but you're going to in here at least until tonight. If you're healing properly by then, you'll be out by tomorrow morning." Will told me, his face grave.

Just then, Lila, Sophie, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo burst into the infirmary. "Rae! Dude how are you?!" Lila and Sophie asked. Annabeth and Piper st down on either side of my bed. Piper asked "What happened, last I saw you were being kickass, next thing I know, you're in the infirmary!" As I started explaining what happened, Leo started fiddling with a link of chain in his hands. Once I was done, Piper, Annabeth, Lila and Sophie offered to go get me breakfast.

"Don't forget the extra bacon!" As I called out the infirmary door, I realized Leo was still sitting beside my bed. "Dude, why don't you go get breakfast?" I asked laughing. "Rae, I gotta tell you something." He didn't laugh, he didn't even smile. I was taken aback by his seriousness, and replied, "Sure man, shoot." "Well," He swallowed, "ireallylikeyoudoyouwannagoonadatetomorrow?"

"Um come again, Monsieur?" I giggled. He took a deep breath. "Rae. I really really like you. Would you care to join me on a walk by the beach tomorrow night?" If I had been drinking something, I would have done a spit take so big, he'd be more drenched than if Lila or Percy exploded a toilet beside him.

I mean, since I was like 12 I had been slightly obsessed with him. I had many people say I was completely insane. I had many, many dreams of this moments, (and other moments, don't ask.) and now it was bloody happening. I must have looked so dumbfounded because he then said, "Helloo? Rae. Tierra a Rae, ¿estás bien?" "Yeah, Im still here. And to answer your question, yes. Yes I would love to join you on a walk."

He sighed, and looked at me like a happy lunatic. He then reached out and touched my jaw. He pulled me closer until we were mere millimetres apart. I laughed and closed the gap. Our lips kept locking and unlocking over and over again. He pulled him closer to me, so that he was sitting beside me on the hospital bed. We stayed like that way for a few minutes, until the girls got back from the Pavilion. They still haven't let me forget that incident. But I wouldn't change it for the world. There's something about the Repair Boy I can't explain. And I love it.

So my fellow panda pillow pets, how was that shit? Was it good? Was it terrible? Tell me I want to knowww!! How is your day, by the way? Ha that rhymed. K I gtg frends. Byyyyeeee!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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