Part Three

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  By time I knew it.... It was all over. Dinner was all over and I change back into my regular clothes.

  "T-thank you for having me." I bowed to them and Killua grab my hand.

  "Yeah, let's go now." Killua then grabs Alluka's and was about to walk off till his mother spoke up.


  At the corner of my eye it seems like Silva was glaring at Kikyo and Kikyo calmed down.

  "Um... I-I mean do you got everything you need, Kil?" Kikyo ask although I can tell she was forcing it.

  Killua slightly rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, we're leaving now." Killua start to drag us and opening the door and a huge gush of wind blew towards us.

  "Eeeeek!" I squealed from how cold it is.

  Killua quickly close the door. "What the hell? It was just nice out!" Killua exclaimed.

  "It look like we can't go no where. We're going to get froze to death..." Alluka muttered.

  "Killua, you can stay here till it clears. It looks really bad. You can bare it but how about Alluka and (Y/N)?" Zeno asked.

  For a second I can see Killua is hesitating. But looks like he bit the inside of his cheek. "...Fine... But once it's clear we're leaving." Killua said.

  Wait.... So, we're staying here? Here?... In a house full of assassins? I'll be lying if I said I wasn't scared because this is freaking scary! Since, it already getting pretty dark out we left to do to the rooms. I don't think I can take all of this... What happen if-


  I jumped from hearing upon my name looking over to Killua and Alluka looking at me with concern. "Is something wrong?" Killua questioned.

  I look down at my hands. I must have been zoning out for quite awhile... I wonder how many times did it took for Killua to say my name before I recognize him.

  "(Y/N)..." Killua move my head to look at him in the eyes. Oh... I must have did it again. I should really stop talking to myself so much.

  "I'm just thinking..." I told him.

  Killua sigh, "I'm kind of surprised that we have to stay here too... But don't worry I'll look after both you and Alluka." Killua said, I nod my head. "You should get some rest." He told me and I nods my head one more, laying down.

 Yeah, I shouldn't have to worry much. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I'm probably just paranoid. But who wouldn't be? I close my eyes and let myself fell unconscious and the darkness swallow me whole.


  The next morning I woke up (obviously) and got up from the bed. I didn't saw Killua or Alluka anywhere around so I did the most logical thing to do when you're trap in a household full of assassins... snoop around of course. 

  I peeked my heard out of the door looking left and right repeatedly before walking out and closing the door behind me. This is a big mansion so I really don't know where i'm going... hahah... I walked pass a window and I look out. Huh. It was pretty snowy out but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Then... I had a idea...

  Running back into the room, I put my coat on along with some gloves and a hat as I soon went to the exit. I walked out and you're probably thinking: (Y/N) what do you think you are doing? Don't you know it's like freezing out there? Well... I want to check on something. Moving along, I easily made down the hill whistling. I felt a breeze on my neck and back as I turn around seeing Mike. 

  "Mike!" I instantly hugged his snout. If you haven't notice already. I'm a animal person. I mean all of them is just sooo cute! How can I just pick one? I look up at the big guard dogs eyes that many people are afraid of but not me. I find his eyes really pretty like the most precious gems in the world. A shiver went down my spine because I was cold. Mike must have sense that as he laid down as if telling me to get on. "Are you sure? Well, okay." I climb up onto Mike's back an-- OH MY GUMDROPS! HE'S SO WARM! I put my head down as Mike got up and start to walk around and even start to run a bit. "Yahoo!" I yelled out in excitement. 

  Mike and I start to have fun and soon we lost track of time and it wasn't like we was watching it and I completely forgot about the cold. We ran around and played and I felt like I was a small child again. Now, we are just relaxing laying against a tree as I was cuddled up to his warm soft fur. "Oh, Mike wait right here! I'll be right back." I started to run off. I wanted to see if I cold find a big branch so we can play fetch. 

  "Look what we have here."

  I gazed over seeing a group of men who I easily know that they are trespassers. I didn't mind because they are the idiots who decides to sneak into here. Their fate has already been sealed.

 "Hello." I greeted as I was trying to move around them but they block my way. 

  "Do you think she's apart of the family?" One guy asked.

  "Maybe she works here." Says, another. 

  "Nah, she got to be apart of the family." Said the biggest one of the three that obvious the leader... a very dumb one. 

  I stared at them blankly and attempt to move around them again.

 "Hey." One spoke up and grab my arm roughly and pulled me towards them. I glare at the person in the eyes looking deeply as if I was burning into their soul.

  "Let go of me." I demanded and my voice at low as if I was demon. This happens when I'm really pissed off. Killua calls it "Dark (Y/N)". 

  "Ah! She's a freak!" The same guy who grab my arm exclaimed and shoved me making my back hit a tree and I fell on my butt and on top of  that a whole lot of snow fell on me! I heard a loud back and screaming. I couldn't see because of the snow as I move around trying to pop my head up and look but I wasn't having much luck. Soon the snow did got off of me with the help of Mike. "Thanks, Mike." I thanked him and wipe the last bit of snow off my face. Looking at Mike a red liquid was stained on his paws and kind of around his mouth and some drops of blood dirtied the pure white snow. Mike lowered his head and looked at me as if it was a worried look. I pet his snout then hugged it for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

  "AH-CHOO!! DARRRRN IIIIIT!" I sneezed and screamed knowing that i'm officially... sick.

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