Part Four

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  So now... I'm sick....

  "Ah-choo!" I sneezed and sniffed. Killua kind of gave me a look of disgust and handed me a tissue. "Thank you..." Murmuring, I grab the tissue and wipe my nose and Killua scoff.

  "(Y/N). You know it's cold out there! How are you just going to go out like that?!" Killua was pretty upset and I just close my eyes.

  "Shush, Killua... I really don't want to hear all that yelling." I told him.

  "And on top of that! There were Intruders! Anything could had  happen to you."

  "No-uh, Mike was there. And the people was clearly weak."

  "Still! I'm surprised you're not scared of Mike." Killua said finally lowering his voice.

  "Scared? Why would I be scared? He's so adorable! He's just a big Teddy bear!" I answered and giggles lightly.

  Killua sigh and look somewhere else. I smirk lightly and had a idea to mess with him.

  "... Killua... I'm hurting..."

  He didn't look towards my way.

  "Killua my head hurts..."

  Still didn't look my way.

  "Hey... Hey... Are you listening?"

  He's silent.


  "(Y/N)... You're going to give me a headache..." Killua calmly stated and it seems like a tick mark was above his head. I smirked and pinch his cheeks.

  "Aw, is someone annoyed? Poor, sweet thing."

  Killua looks over at me and could keep a straight face as he was soon smile. He lightly flick my forehead.

  "Baka... You're so hard to handle." Killua said making me grinned.

  "You love me anyway." I said and laid back.

  Killua nods his head and cover me up with a blanket. "Get some sleep. Okay?" I nodded my head in response. Killua walk out of the room leaving me alone.

  I cough and sneeze into a tissue before moving myself to the side. But something caught the corner of my eye. I look back towards the door and seeing no one and nothing was there. I slowly turn my head to lay on my pillow and close my eyes. 

  'It was probably nothing.' I convinced myself as I let sleep take over my currently weak body.

  Later on I woke up to see a plate on the bedside table. The plate had a turkey sandwich and chips with a glass of water at the side of it. I'm surprise it's nothing fancy. Killua must have brought me this. Sitting up, I picked up the glass of water and took a sip of it. Funny... it was still cold and the ice isn't melted sooo... Killua must have brought this not too a long time a go. I sat the glass of water down before picking up the plate and put it in my lap. I took the sandwich taking a bite of it... Hm... it taste different than the other sandwiches I ate before. Not different bad, different good. It taste like a regular sandwich like always but I don't know... I feel like someone actually took their time making this sandwich. I don't know that's probably sounds cheesy. I finishing eating what was lunch and drank the rest of my water as I fell back asleep. 

  What seemed like only a couple minutes but i know it had to be a hour or two, I started to twist in turn because I was so unconformable. I toss the blanket over me but that still seem like it didn't help. God, why was it so hot! I feel like I couldn't breathe either.  

  "K-K..." I desperately tried to call out for Killua's name but my throat was dry and it hurt too much. That was until I felt like a rag was put on my forehead. A ice cold one and I could already feel my temperature cool down. Then I felt the blanket get put on me and tucked me in and a pair of lips went down to my ear. 

  "Shh... It's okay. Relax... I'll take care of you." The voice was so reassuring and calm. It made me calm. As if, I have no worries in the world. The voice's hand wipe way a wetness that was a couple of tears.

  'Crying? I was crying?' I ask myself. I couldn't believe I was so... weak... That I cried because I was unconformable. I took the reassuring person's hand and held it. It was so warm... and the person didn't pull their hand away. Instead of that they use their other hand to pet my hair in a soothing way. I don't know why, but I like how they sooth my hair. Probably because I never really had a parent who ever sooth my hair when I was sick. I didn't know for how long they stayed by my side because I ended up letting darkness swallow me whole and drift me the wonderful world of sleep.

  I open my eyes only to peer at the clock as my eye's are starting so go into focus. 5:32 okay it wasn't too late. I look over to my other side seeing unsightly sight in my face. As I was about to scream a hand covered my mouth. 

  "Don't scream." The person demanded before pulling their hand from my mouth slowly. 

  "Illumi," I growled and glared at him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I questioned. 

  "Just came to visit. I knew that you were sick so I been helping." 

  "Been helping? Hooooo... No..." As I cut myself off as the sandwich and when I had trouble sleeping came to my mind. Heat went to my cheeks in embarrassment. 

  Illumi held out water and a pill to me. "Swallow this." Illumi demanded. 

  "Ha! As if! It's probably poison!" I nearly laugh at him for thinking I'm going to swallow something he gives me... but, he have been helping me... If I knew it was him, I wouldn't have let him! Yeah!

  Illumi sigh softly. "It's a remedy. I will cure your flu fast." 

  "No, I'm not taking it." I stubbornly replied almost sounding like a child and looking away from him. 

  "Okay." Illumi said.

  As i thought that he finally will be considerate and leave. He grab under my chin making me face his way and... kissed me?! My eye's widen in shock as his was close... how come this kiss is so tender and sweet? I was so confused and thinking to myself and what snap me out of my thoughts was something in my mouth and it slip down my throat. I pushed Illumi away and coughed. 

  "D-did you just...-" I coughed, "-put that p-pill in my m-mouth?!" I kept coughing then look back at him. "you b-bastard!" He looked at me and smiled lightly. 

  "I hope you get well soon." Illumi walked out of the room and I took the water to drink some of it.

  Wait... what was that kiss about though?... Did he just really wanted me to take that pill?...

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