Are you a camera?

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Hey guys so this ones about Brent Taddie and it's basically about how you guys met and everything. This one is perfect if you want to be a photographer. Hope you guys enjoy!!

Here you were at the venue getting your equipment all ready. You were asked a couple weeks ago if you could accompany crown the empire on their tour and be their photographer because the one they had before had to cancel on them. To say you were excited was possibly an understatement you LOVE crown. So here you were at the first venue of their tour which just so happened to be in your home town, you received a text from their manager 15 minutes ago saying that him and boys will meet you in front of the stage in 10 min. Finally you see 6 guys walking towards you, one of them with blondish hair that your remember from the music videos "Hi Y/N" you shook his hand "Hi I'm guessing you're crowns manager" to which the man replied "yep that's me. So if want to hand me your bags I'll load that into the bus and you can hang with the guys here and just chill and get some photos of them before the show" "okay ye-" before you could finish that he had left with your duffle bag out of the venue. You heard a cough and looked over to see the guys just standing there. Oh right the guys....Of course David was the first one to greet you "Hey it's nice to meet you I'm David, you can call me Dave, I'm basically the dad of the group" you chuckled at that and shook his hand. You went down the line meeting them all, Dave, Andy , Hayden, Brandon, and than...Brent....god he looked handsomer in person. Neither of you said anything but just stared at each other and shook was awkward but perfect all and than brent said possibly the cutest thing ever " Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I can't help but smile" he had the biggest smile on his face and you were blushing like crazy. That was the moment you realized that Brent will definetly be your favorite person on this tour.

Hey guys okay so if you cant tell taddie is my fav I love him❤️❤️. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long!!! You guys probably hate me and I totally get that 😂. Next will be David and yes I know he left crown 😭 but I still love him so yeah....OH and if you want me to do some with Ben I can totally do that too I love him! Please vote and comment!!!!

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