Haters gonna hate

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Hello beautiful people! This is a Brandon Hoover imagine about how he comforts you due to there being some pretty mean haters that don't enjoy your relationship, but no worries Brandon will make it all better!

It was late afternoon and you were chilling on the couch watching your favorite show and scrolling through Instagram. Brandon was sadly at the studio AGAIN, so you where home all alone. Missing your perfect boyfriend you decided to post a cute selfie you guys had taken the night before, you turned your phone off to focusing back to the tv when you started getting crazy notifications about people commenting. The curiosity got to you and you started reading the comments, some were sweet talking about how you can see the love Brandon has for you and others were kinda mean, like, why would Brandon date someone like you, and, it's clear he doesn't actually love you. Those hurt you the most and you started questioning your relationship with Brandon, tears slowly started falling down your cheeks as you kept reading the horrible comments. You didn't know why but you just could stop reading them, each one was like a stab to the heart. You were too consumed in reading the evil comments that you didn't notice Brandon had walked through the front door.
Brandon's POV
I left the studio early because I miss Y/N so much and seeing what she posted made me miss her even more so I told the guys that I was calling it in early and raced home so I could just cuddle with her and spend time with my beautiful princess. I walked through the door and set my keys down in the bowl "Hey babe I'm home early!".....no response, huh that's weird, I thought to myself. I walked into the house and saw her laying down on the couch, maybe she's asleep? I thought but once I got closer I noticed she was on her phone and... crying! I instantly ran up to her and pulled her into a hug, at first she was shocked but then buried her face into my chest crying harder. It broke my heart seeing her like this "baby what happened?" I asked pulling her back to look at her face. She looked down and said something I couldn't quite hear. "What? Can you repeat that?" I asked lifting her face up so she was now looking at me. "I said 'why are you with me?'" Y/N said loud and clear so I could hear her, I was taken back by the question, why would she ask me this. Might as well ask her "why are you asking hun bun?" I asked using the nickname that usually makes her smile...it didn't..."can you not just freaking answer the question Brandon! Or do you just not want to admit that you are just using me to pass time!" She shouted at me "whoever said I was using you to pass time! I love you!" She didn't say anything and just looked down again and I saw more tears stream down her face. I sat next to her on the couch and pulled her into my arms as she just cried. It killed me seeing her like this " Y/N please tell me what's going on" I said softly, all she did was point at her phone that was on the coffee table. I picked it up and it was opened to Instagram on the comment section of the photo she posted of us, the photo that made me want to come home and spend time with my girl. I started reading the comments and some were sweet but most were horrible! It made my blood boil. I threw Y/N phone to the other end of the couch and pulled her closer to me "baby girl please don't let those stupid haters get to you. I love you so much! Those people are just jealous  because they aren't as amazing and supportive as you!" I spoke. I felt Y/N lift her head up and look at me with a few tears still falling but what really caught my attention was her beautiful smile that I fell harder and harder for every time I saw it. I couldn't help myself and I lightly kissed her and she kissed me back, I pulled back and stood up "plus what does Taylor Swift say! 'Haters gonna hate hate hate, I'm just gonna shake shake shake, SHAKE IT OFF!'" I sang while I started dancing making Y/N laugh. She stood up and pulled me into a hug "Thank you Brandon" "for what hun bun?" "Being you". After that moment I locked our phones in a drawer, after posting a really pissed tweet about haters hating on my girlfriend, and Y/N and I cuddled on the couch watching her favorite show.

Holly cow! Ok that was a lot longer than I was planing but awwwww Brandon so cute!! Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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