-2-let me the fuck out

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(Evangeline above)
Song: Loaded- G-EAZY

-Evangeline's POV-

"Let me out!" I scream, pounding against the walls. Deep inside I know no one can here me.

Why me?

I've been asking that question for the past 4 days. Yes, 4 days I've been stuck in here with the occasional pack of crackers and baby water bottle.

Why could it not have been other people? Does someone have a death wish on me? Is this what they want?!

"Can someone just help me." I whisper mainly to myself.

Standing, I limp over to my empty plate from yesterday's lunch. I had crackers and water again but I don't mind as long as I'm fed.

"Do you think you're done throwing a fit or will I have to keep you trapped like a beast for a little while longer?" I hear a voice say. Looking around frantically I don't see anyone.

"Who's there?" I ask cautiously backing up into a corner.
"Who the fuck do you think it is?" He snaps still not showing up.

Mr. Sandman.

"Are you done being an ass?" I croak out, my throat dry from the lack of water.
"Ooo she's got a mouth." I heard before I was pushed against the wall by a force.

He appeared in front of me casually, his powers doing all the work.
"You know that mouth will get you into a lot of trouble if you don't clean it up." He says examining his clothes.

"Fuck. Do you happen to have a lent roller or something?" He asks looking me up and down with disdain. "Oh wait. You don't even have food or a bathroom. My bad I simply forgot. Just like if you back talk me again I'll simply forget to spare your life."

Tears start to uncontrollably fall out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

What did I do to deserve this? I was a good student, girlfriend, daughter, friend. Why this? Why me?

"Why?" I croak out as my neck is straining against the force.
"My God woman! Is that the only fucking word you know? Why?" He says mocking me in a high pitched voice.

"I would tell you why but I don't really know why myself. So if you could please shut the hell up then maybe I'll let you out." He spits coming closer.

My head moves to the side so I'm not facing him head on.

He is so attractive but so bad.

"Get away." I attempt to spit out. He just raises an eyebrow and gets closer.
"Well aren't you cute." He retorts letting the force go resulting in me falling to the floor.

I cough and attempt to catch my breath.
"Good God please stop acting as if you were dying. You're fine." He says yanking me up by my hair.

He examines my face and clothes then throws me back down.
"You need a shower. You smell like shit." He says right before he disappears in a cloud of black sand.


Later on in the day I was taken from my dark, safe room and into a castle of some sort by Mr. Sandman's servants.

"What is this?" I ask squinting at the sun.
"Mr. Sandman's castle." They answered stiffly, not even looking at me.

I shut my mouth assuming that they wouldn't answer anything else. We appeared in front of a bathroom. A very luxurious bathroom.

The tiles were black with a stone, gigantic shower. Everything in there was just breath taking.

"You have 10 minutes." The guard said before shutting the door.

I stared at myself in the mirror for awhile until I couldn't anymore. I was a little thinner and much more tired looking.

The bags under my eyes only became bigger and my skin paler. My hair was greasy and my nails were chipped and dirty. Don't even ask about the morning breath I was sporting right now.

I turned on the shower and just soaked for a good 5 minutes. The shampoo smelt like lavender and the conditioner too. The soap was a rich, flowery smell, it was divine. Everything in there was.

I sighed in content when I found a tooth brush and toothpaste. Finally.

I brushed my hair and my teeth then just did some maintenance on myself.

"Your time is up." I heard one of the men shout. I quickly threw on the jeans and black hoodie he had laid out along with the black boots.

I hurried out so they wouldn't get angry and yell at me.

"We have business to attend dear." I heard him say as soon as I stepped out. Looking up, I saw Mr. Sandman leaning against the opposite wall from me. He had on all black and his eyes were staring at me, piercing me.

"What?" I croak out. Oh God, this is where everything turns to shit.

"Business. Now." He said. And with just a snap of his fingers we were gone into a cloud of black sand.


"How much do you want?" A man asked.

I was sitting in the corner of a very dim lit room with sketchy men making trades. My mouth felt as if it was sealed shut so I wouldn't say anything.

"I'll take $400 for the 2 guns and that's it. Anything less and I'll shoot you with them." A man said leaning back in his chair.

Mr. Sandman was sitting there quietly, examining everything. He hadn't said a word yet since he showed up.

"You fucker. Fine $400." A short guy with no hair spat.
"I'll take the set of knives for $500." A guy with sunglasses said.

The room became more dim when Mr. Sandman looked up. Everyone's attention was on him.

"What about you Pitch?" I heard a man say. Mr. Sandman looked up with a deathly glare at him.

Without saying a word Mr. Sandman used a force to cut the power and in seconds it came back on.

Except every man had their throats slit.

"What-" I cried out looking at what he did.
"Darling that's how you handle trade. And that's how you handle someone who called you by the wrong name." He says walking past me. With just a snap of his fingers he had men carrying all the weapons out along with the dead bodies.

He turns to me while motioning the men to keep loading the guns into his car. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes as I watched the scene before me.

My stomach was twisted and I felt sick to my stomach. What was wrong with this man?

"You will accompany me on these missions to realize and learn the life you now have. You may never get used to it but I don't care. I don't care if you are uncomfortable. I don't care if you are in pain. You will learn you will adjust just like everyone else."

I had my first taste of the real Mr. Sandman tonight.

Mr. Sandman had wanted me to see that side.


I hope you liked the 2nd chapter of Mr. Sandman.


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