-29-lets play a game

64 4 1

(Payne above)
Song: Wicked Ones- Dorothy

-Evangeline's POV-

That voice was so familiar. It was like music to my ears.


All of a sudden I hear gun shots and people yelling. I duck and the lights start to flash on and off, making it just a bit easier to see where I was going.

Ahead of me I see about 10 men from Matt's team coming our way in attempts to help, but knowing Payne, their help won't be needed. Right in front of me was a pistol so I grab it in attempts to defend myself.

I could hear Matt screaming orders at them while blood trickled from his nose. Grayson looked a little pale as he nodded and listened to Matt.

"Get her!" Matt screamed, pointed at me. The men's eyes flashed forward and they started towards me without any hesitation. My hands held up the pistol in front of me, shakily.

"Shoot her! What are you waiting for?!" I could hear Matt yelling at them.

But all of a sudden the men stopped in their spots, not moving whatsoever.

"Let the games begin." Payne said over the loud speaker. In an instant the men had their guns pointing back at their heads with panic in their eyes.

"Fire away." He said with smugness. All 10 guns went off, killing all of them men within seconds. Their bodies all hit the ground with blood puddles starting to form.

"What next?" I heard Payne say. My breath was erratic and I could feel how weak I was from blood loss.

Payne's voice echoed throughout the building and I missed hearing the slight husk to his voice.

There was a loud screech and the mic sounded like it fell. Then there was complete and utter silence, no one moved, not even Matt. Off in the distance, very faintly, I could hear more men stomping and coming to assist.

But then the stomping of the heavy boots stopped, the only ones left were one single pair walking at a slow pace.

The silence continued as I heard one pair of footsteps clicking down the hallway as the sound of heavy boots echoed. I could hear him scraping something against the metal walls as he walked causing a screeching noise.

From behind Matt and Grayson he appeared in all of his glory. Their heads turned around to look at this pissed off human.

He had a smirk riding his tempting lips and his hair was deliciously messy. He was of course wearing all black with his combat boots worn and dirty. There was a crowbar slung on his shoulder as he stood there waiting for a greeting.

Rolling his mysterious eyes, he sighed and threw the crowbar between the two men so hard it stuck in the wall, not budging. His hands went out in an impatient manner and his eyes widened slightly.

They both looked at him with such shock that neither one of them said anything.

"Hello, fellas. Let's get to business, yeah?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Before either one of them could say anything he had them both pinned up against the wall, choking them with his powers.

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