Chapter 3

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Hermione followed Malfoy into the compartment, stopping dead in her tracks when she realised that Cho and Ernie were entangled in a mess of black robes, deeply engrossed in their snogging. Malfoy snickered and Hermione cleared her throat pointedly, but couldn't help chuckling.

"Oh, that's so embarrassing!" Cho exclaimed as her head spun around to face them. Ernie looked sheepish as he rearranged his robes and gently pushed Cho to his side. "Well, it's nice to see you again, Hermione." An awkward pause followed. "And you too, Draco. How were your holidays?"

"Erm, not too bad, thanks." Malfoy said pleasantly, despite looking like he'd rather bathe a Blast-Ended Skrewt than make small talk with Cho. He handed Hermione her trunk and walked over to sit on one of the chairs near the window.

"Thanks again, for the trunk." He nodded in reply, before looking out the window at the passing landscape. She forced her eyes away from him and sat next to Ernie. "So you guys seem pretty happy, when did you get together?"

"At the Battle of Hogwarts, I guess." Ernie began. "Cho found me lying unconscious in a courtyard near the Great Hall in the middle of all the chaos. If she hadn't dragged me to safety, I reckon I would've been trampled by a giant or something."

They looked at each other passionately, and Hermione tried to seem happy for them, although the mention of the Battle made her chest feel like lead. She continued to chat with them about what they'd done during the holidays, trying to divert the conversation away from herself. She didn't think they'd want to hear about how she'd locked herself in a room at the Weasley's as much as she could so she didn't have to see Molly's heartbroken face.

She couldn't help continually glancing at Malfoy, wondering what his time at home had been like. She inwardly gasped as she recalled seeing a headline of the Daily Prophet, 'Lucius Malfoy Sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss.' She remembered feeling glad that justice had finally been served to Lucius, but she hadn't stopped to think about Narcissa or Draco. No matter what someone's father had done, it must be unbearable to think of them having their soul sucked out, leaving them an empty shell.

She saw that they were nearly there, and tried to shake the dreariness from her body. She was determined to have a happy arrival at Hogwarts, even though her nervous tension had lifted now that she was near the castle. She couldn't wait to walk through the corridors, eat meals in the Great Hall, read in the library and learn in her classes.

When the train pulled to a stop, they left their luggage and exited onto the platform. Hermione looked back guiltily, thinking of the poor house elves that would have to take everything up to the castle. She didn't have long to ponder this thought as the Thestral-drawn carriages arrived promptly, with one pulling up right in front of them. Hermione watched as most students drew back in horror at the sight of the horse-like creatures. She found it incredibly sad that so many of her young peers had now seen death. 'Again with the doom and gloom, Hermione,' she muttered to herself. She was beginning to worry that she talked to herself too often.

They climbed into the carriage, with Ernie and Cho sitting on one side, and her and Malfoy on the other. She felt extremely uncomfortable to be so close to him, and both of them were leaning as far away from each other as they could. She willed for the ride to be over as soon as possible, and was beyond relieved when they arrived a few minutes later.

It seemed like Malfoy had jumped out before they had even stopped moving. Hermione let Ernie and Cho get out first – they climbed out awkwardly, still holding hands. She saw her friends and almost ran over to see them, nearly bursting at the seams to tell them what had happened.


Hi, because this is such a short chapter I'll be uploading two chapters this fortnight. 

Let me know what you think about the changes! Do you like the new or the old version better? 

P.S. Don't forget that you can still access the old version - I've made a new story called the 'unedited' version so you can check it out there. 

Thank you!  

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