Chapter 10

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She arrived at class early and found Aberforth already sitting in a dusty chair at the front of the otherwise unoccupied room. He was pored over a giant book, but looked up immediately as she walked through the door.

"Ah, Ms Granger, I was wondering when I would run in to you. Happy to be back at school, I suppose?" His voice was gruff, but surprisingly pleasant. Evidently, the terse old man had lightened up now that the war was over.

"Of course, Professor. I really did miss this place," she replied politely. After an awkward silence, she continued. "I never got the chance to thank you for what you did for us in the battle. Without your help, I'm sure it would have ended much differently." Her voice cracked with emotion, and she had to look away from his piercing blue eyes.

"Don't mention it," he replied with a brief smile. "Anyhow, you kids were the real heroes. I take my hat off to you three, this world should be very thankful for your actions."

Other students began entering the room, so Hermione only smiled in reply and then chose a seat a couple of rows back from the front. The class slowly filled up, until the seat on Hermione's right was the only one empty. At precisely 9:00am, Aberforth stood and prepared to address the class.

However just as he opened his mouth to speak, Malfoy sped into the room and dramatically rolled his eyes when he noticed the spare desk next to Hermione. As he shuffled towards her, she resisted the urge to outwardly groan. She couldn't believe how often she was running into Malfoy, he was everywhere – the library, their dormitories, and now her classes.

"Good morning to all of you, and welcome back to Defence Against the Dark Arts. As Professor McGonagall announced yesterday, I will be your new Professor for this course of study. Now, to avoid any confusion, please just call me Aberforth."

Aberforth ignored the looks of bewilderment and whispers of chatter that flooded the room, and began the lesson with no further preamble. Hermione relished in a captivating lesson about Inferi and soon enough, she completely forgot that she was sitting next to Malfoy.

Returning to her classes made her feel refreshed, as if her life had become somewhat normal once more. The interruption of her schooling hadn't seemed to impair her knowledge, as she could easily follow the lessons. Her hand shot up several times throughout the day, and every one of her answers were correct. She felt at home.

She arrived at dinner in high spirits, and gulped down her food so that she could get to the library to start her homework. As she bid the others goodbye, they just stared at her, completely perplexed at how she had resumed her usual habits at Hogwarts as if she had never left. She heard Ron mutter something sarcastic but she took no notice of him. He wouldn't be so reproachful when he had to ask her for the answers to their Charms homework the next day. 

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