Chapter 7

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As Hermione stood trying to figure out how to pass through the door, she cursed McGonagall for not telling them how it unlocked. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in the corridor with Malfoy for company. They both studied the door for a couple of minutes, but Hermione couldn't think of a solution. Alohomora would be way too simple for Hogwarts' security standards. She decided against trying any other spells, as she didn't want to look like a fool if they didn't work.

"I think I know how to get through," Draco said softly. He walked up to the door and inspected the carved 'H'. "Have you seen in some muggle movies how they press their hand on a screen to unlock a door? Like finger-print scanning?"

She was shocked to hear that he had seen a movie made by muggles. "Er... Yeah, I've always wanted to use one. How do you know that's what it is?"

"There's a rectangle slightly indented in the crest. It's the size of a hand, and it looks just like the hand-scanning device I have at my house. We installed it when-" He broke off, and Hermione shuddered to think why they would have needed that sort of security. There was an awkward pause, and Hermione didn't know what to say.

"Well, try it and see." She realised her heart was beating faster than usual. It felt so surreal to be having a conversation with Malfoy as if he was a normal person.

He placed his hand on the middle of the crest, and the door slowly began to sink into the floor with a quiet rumble. She tried to conceal her surprise and followed him through the entryway into their new common room.

Several armchairs of different shapes and sizes were interspersed throughout the room, with soft, warm-looking blankets and cushions scattered amongst them. A large corner lounge sat before a grand fireplace, and there was an enormous bookshelf filled with hundreds of hardcover books. This particularly sparked Hermione's interest, and she smiled.

"It's beautiful," she murmured, before realising she was alone. Malfoy had barely paused to observe their new lodgings, and had continued straight through to the hallway where the bedrooms were presumably located. She heard a door open and close, and then he was gone.

She wandered towards the hallway, and noticed that that there were two doors on both sides of the corridor. Each door had a small crest on it that looked similar to the one on the entry door. The first door on the left side was blue with a 'C', the second was yellow with an 'E'. After seeing that the first door on the right was green with a 'D', she continued down the hallway to her own door, red with an 'H'.

As she turned the handle and pushed the door open, she gasped at the beauty of the room. Candles and warm, scarlet tones made the space cosy and homelike. She sat on the large bed, relishing the feeling of cushiony comfort.

Then she noticed the other door.

She walked over to it and pulled it open, coming face to face with Malfoy. He stood opposite her in his own doorway, looking just as dismayed as her.

"So... I guess we share a bathroom," she said, without a trace of amusement.

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