Chapter Eight

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"You don't have your tie on too tight right? I don't want you passing out on me." Says Brett when I walk in through the door. I smile big and manage to let out a laugh, he smiles too. His smile, oh how beautiful he is. "Hey Maria. Good morning." I say to her as I walk past her. "Buenos días." She says with a smile, I smile back at her. "Ready for day two of boot camp?" He says with his wicked grin. I laugh again "yes sir." I say looking at my feet. "Here's a gift from me to you." He says handing me a slice of pumpkin pie. How does he know I like pumpkin pie? I scowl at him. He laughs "What?" He says. "Nothing. Thank you. How did you know I like pumpkin pie?" I say taking a bite of the delicious pie. "Facebook, um, no, I just know." He says turning red. He's been stalking me. But then again every manager does that to see what type of person they are hiring. "Oh." I say nodding. The pie is very delicious, I might just take the whole thing home. "Time to get to work!" He yells for everyone to hear. I look around, but there is only a few people here. "On it, sir." I say heading towards the kitchen.


"Good morning. Welcome to Grand Lux Cafe. What can I get for you ma'am?" I say with a huge grin. Brett is behind me, I feel his eyes burning into me. The woman takes a long look at Brett. "I'll have a cop of coffee and a red velvet glazed doughnut please." She says. I write down what she wants and turn to look at Brett, he raises his eyebrows. I immediately turn back around, crap. "Will that be all ma'am?" I say with a huge grin, I look stupid, but I want to impress Brett. "Yes that would be all dear. Thank you." She says smiling at Brett and I. "No problem." I turn around and walk into Brett. Fuck. I smell him and he smells of cologne and pancake syrup. He smells so good, I can just eat him up. "I'm sorry, sir." I say under my breath. I take a quick look at the woman, she is smiling, I smile back. "Apology accepted." He says with his world famous wicked grin. I place the paper on this rack thingy, I don't know what it is. "Do you want to go out for a drink after work? To celebrate your new job." He says with his grin. My heart starts to beat fast. "Of coarse." I say hiding my grin. I bite my lip to keep me from laughing. I can't, I erupt in laughter and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. "What's so funny?" He says with a smile on his face. "Oh nothing." I say holding my lips together. "Watch yourself. Now get to work." He says with his grin, I am sorry if I am getting annoying by saying his wicked grin. That's the only smile he has, I guess. Plus he's asked me out for a drink!


It's finally time to go. It's been a long day here at work. "You ready?" Brett says putting on his jacket, holy hell! He's even hotter. "Yes." I say slipping on my coat, I walk out the door and into the fall Chicago weather. I follow Mr. Sexy man to his car. He has a black 2016 Ford Mustang. It is totally his style. He opens up the passenger door and in I go. I stare at him go around the car as I put on the seatbelt. He's very gorgeous. "Any bars you have in mind?" He says looking at me through the rear view mirror. His blue eyes burn into my soul. I immediately look down. "I don't really go to bars, I'm sure you know where to go." I say looking down at my hands. "Don't be shy." He says. I turn to him and our eyes meet. I am tomato red. "I'm not." I say looking back at him. "Sure you are. Let's go." He says as he drives into the rush hour traffic.


Vertigo Sky Lounge has a beautiful view. "Ever been here?" He says looking at my reaction. My jaw is dropped and I am looking around like a kid in a candy store. "Never. Thank you." I say looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "You're welcome. Glad I met you." He says turning red. I think I'm going to go crazy. This man is really up to something. He leads me to the table by the window. I'm afraid of heights, but I have my beautiful blue eyed angel to keep those thoughts away. I look down and into the busy rush hour streets. "Amazing huh?" He says looking at my reaction. I laugh and look around me "this place is absolutely stunning. Thank you Brett, I appreciate this." I accidentally hold his hand, I snatch my hand away. He turns red and looks me in the eyes. "I'm sorry, Brett." I say turning tomato red just like him. "No need to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes. And you're welcome. It's on me." He says with his grin. "Oh no. Please. Let me pay." I say. He holds his hands up in defense. "That's very nice of you Justin, but no. I'm paying." He says looking around. I turn tomato red again. "And where is this damn waiter?" He says with anger on his face, he holds up his hand like a little first grade boy. I giggle and squeeze my thighs, get it together. The waiter finally arrives. "What would you like?" Brett says. "I'll have what you are having." I say, smiling at Brett. "We'll have two high balls." He says grinning at the waiter. "Would that be all?" The waiter looks at us both, I nod and smile. "And a glass of water please." Brett says smiling wickedly at me. "Alright. On it." The waiter says looking at us both. Now it's the two of us again, back to reality, and my heart is beating extremely hard. The minutes tick by and we talk about the schools I went to, work, and the list is endless. The waiter finally arrives with our drinks, whatever they are called. "Thank you." Brett and I say at the same time. The waiter looks at us both and smiles "you're welcome. Let me know if anything." He says as he walks away. I immediately take a sip and cough up a storm. "I knew you would need it." He says as he laughs and hands me the glass of water. I take a long sip of the refreshing water and I am instantly calmed down. "Are you okay?" Brett says, examining me. "I'm fine. Thank you for predicting my fate and not telling me." I say with a small giggle. "I'm sorry for not telling you." He says taking a long sip. How gross. This drink is a mix of different type of liquor. An hour passes by and the sun is already setting. The view is breathtaking and we continue talking about my life. "Before we leave do you want anything else?" He says as he gets up. "No thank you." I say rising from my chair. "Wait here, or feel free to look around. The view right now is gorgeous. I'm going to the washroom, I will be right back." He says making his way to the washroom. "Hey wait." I call out to him, he turns. "Are you going to get anything else?" I say. "No. I'll be back." He says as he enters the washroom. I quickly pull out my wallet and call the waiter over, I take out my credit card, and hand it to him. He knows what I'm up to. By the time the waiter returns, Brett is coming out the washroom. He looks shocked. "All set." I say smiling back at him. "You did not." He says with sarcasm in his voice. I let out a giggle, we both thank the waiter, and we walk into the elevators.

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