Chapter Seventeen

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Brett and I lay in bed looking at each other. "That was amazing," I whisper to him. He smiles and stretches. "That was one hell of a good time." He says turning to me. "I work tomorrow, I think it's best if we get some sleep now." He yawns. "No, I am not tired at all!" I yell. "I am." He whispers. His eyes locked on mine. He looks like a baby bear. I just want to launch myself at him, but I am a little too tired for more sex. "I'm going to go get something to drink. Want anything?" I say getting up and slipping on his robe. "As of right now. No, thank you. Go help yourself to whatever is in my fridge though." He says pulling the covers over him. "Thank you," I whisper. He's going to sleep now and I feel a tiny bit disappointed. I want to spend more time with him, but he's being a lazy bum.


Brett's kitchen has to be the size of my apartment all together! I wonder how he got to this level of success. How many jobs does he have? I will keep that in mind. I quickly serve myself a glass of milk and walk to the balcony doors, opening them. It's chilly and I hug myself. I stare out into a sleepy Chicago. Is this what I want? Brett's beauty just swept me away. I don't know him well and we're already having a sexual start. I can sue him for this, I will also keep that in mind. This is just too much to absorb! For crying out loud, I forgot all about my best friend Tanya. I wonder how she's doing.


Brett is fast asleep when I come back into the room. I slip off the robe and make my way to his drawers. Taking out one of his shirts, I slip it on. "Goodnight," I whisper to him as I kiss his cheek. He groans, but doesn't wake. He falls asleep fast, I don't think I was gone for long. I pull the cover over me and stare up at the ceiling. Is this really what I want? For crying out loud, I don't know him well. This is so wrong. Who would have thought? I'm sleeping with the damn manager. But like I said before. His beauty just swept me away. Inside, I am screaming and I just don't know what to do. I turn opposite of Brett and weep into the pillow. Making sure I don't wake him. I don't know what I'm doing. Yeah, it is fun. This is just way too much. I'm interested in him though. There, I said it.

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