Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Milo, get out of here," I whisper to Milo. I set Milo down and he runs out the door. Stalker boy turns and his eyes widen when he sees me "Ah, we have a visitor." Says stalker boy. We? Is there someone else here? What does he want? What is he doing in Brett's apartment? I need to stop asking myself questions and think quick! "Jeffrey, how can I help you?" I say to the pale figure in front of me. Stalker boy walks inside and closes the door behind him. Fuck! My heart is beating super fast and I think I can hear it. "Have a seat," he says gesturing to the white seat in back of me, I immediately sit. "Where is my dear Brett? My lovely boy," he says looking around the apartment as if he owns the place. Where is Brett? He needs to hurry up, I am in fucking danger! My life is flashing through my mind. "Answer my question or will I have to make you?" He says walking towards me. Who the fuck does this crazy ass think he is? I've had enough of this Dr. Phil bullshit. "I don't know," I say loud enough for him to hear. "Oh," he says and starts to laugh. He walks to the kitchen counter where he has his luggage and pulls out a rifle, I stand and run for the door, but I stop when I see another man at the door, closing it behind him. "Where do you think you're going?" The man says pulling out a knife from his pocket. Holy shit! I am about to die. Good thing Milo is not here, I don't want him witnessing this. For crying out loud, he's an animal! Stalker boy has the rifle pointed at me. "Where is my boyfriend?" Says stalker boy loading the gun, fuck. "Yeah... our boyfriend," says the other man. I stand frozen to the ground in fear. This is it! Just when life was getting good, this happens. Why do bad things always happen to good people? I just don't get it. "Answer me for fucks sake!" Yells stalker boy. "I... I... don't know," I manage to say. Stalker boy nods to the other man and the man comes towards me and grabs my arms. "Don't try anything stupid," he says and he wraps his arms around me, the knife to my throat. "Now answer me," stalker boy says, still aiming the rifle at me. I've had enough, I'm going to die at least trying. "I told you once, I don't fucking know!" I yell at him and the man slices into my neck, just about an inch. "Ah!" I yell at the top of my lungs. The man covers my mouth with one hand. "Quiet now. We don't want my dear Brett thinking we are bad guys," stalker boy laughs and walks to his luggage and pulls out a second rifle. "Take him out onto the balcony, Antonio," stalker boy says and I try, I really try to fight. Antonio punches me in the face and throws me out into the table, knocking over the beautiful flowers. I land on the floor, getting blood all over the balcony floor, I struggle to stand. I watch as Stalker Boy moves the bookshelf to the door, so Brett won't come in. Where is Brett? What is taking him so fucking long? I pray silently. "Antonio go and wait inside, in case our Brett comes in. Go to my luggage and take out the rope and tie him up. He needs to witness his lover being thrown over this beautiful balcony," he says and he starts to laugh. This man is completely insane! Who raised this son of a bitch? I will not die tonight. I look at the street below and picture myself laying there, dead. No! Don't think negative. "What will they do with Brett afterwards?" I ask myself in my head. I will not let this fool kill me because he wants Brett, not today, not ever. "Justin!" I hear Brett from outside the door. "Showtime," Stalker boy gives me a creepy grin. Stalker Boy stands at the entrance of the balcony door, pointing one gun at me and one towards the door. The bookshelf falls over, the books fall all over the place as Brett makes his way in. Brett looks immediately at me and looks as if relieved. "What do you guys want?" Brett says walking further into the room, no! I want to scream, but I am frozen to the ground. "We want you Brett, that's all!" Stalker Boy says looking at him and then at me. "We saw you were head over heels with this piece of shit. Why him?" Antonio says looking at me with disgust. Stalker Boy starts to laugh and that gives me an idea! My phone. I quickly click on "Emergency Dial" and scream when Stalker Boy shoots the phone out of my hand. Fuck, it hurt! Son of a bitch. "Leave him alone!" Brett yells at the lunatic that stands before me. Did anyone happen to hear the gunshot? I hope someone reports it. "Tie him up, Antonio. It's time for the show my dear Brett!" Stalker boy yells and then he lowers his gun, the one he has pointed at me. It's not loaded! I can do this, I can do this. Everyone's attention is on Brett, I can do this, I can do this. This is my only chance. slowly, I pick up a large piece of glass and count to three. I launch myself at Stalker Boy and stab him right in the shoulder with the glass. "Fuck!" He screams at the top of his lungs. He shoots the other gun and I watch in horror as it nearly hits Brett, it hits the chandelier behind him. I punch Stalker Boy with all my force. Stalker Boy is finally knocked out cold, but I continue to punch him. Brett tackles Antonio onto the floor. Antonio stabs Brett in the arm. "Ah!" Brett's cry for help is enough to make me jump to my feet. I grab the white chair near me and swing it at Antonio. Brett stands and kicks him hard on the stomach. Antonio struggles to breath and finally stills, holy shit! Did Brett kill him? I hope not. Everything is all silent, for once. Brett comes to me and examines me, his eyes grow wider when he sees the cuts on my neck. "I'm sorry," Brett wraps his other arm around me. "Don't worry about it. We did it, baby," I whisper to him. We both turn as we hear glass moving behind us. Stalker Boy is back on his feet, pointing both the rifles at Brett and I, I immediately shut my eyes, bury my head in Brett's chest, and hug him to me. "And they all lived happily ever after," Stalker Boy says, loading the guns. My eyes are shut closed, prepared to die. All of a sudden, everything is in slow motion. Brett falls to the floor quick as gunshots fill the room. I feel no pain and open my eyes. Stalker Boy sinks to his knees, four bullet holes in his chest. I am all of a sudden too tired to see who shot him. Brett caresses my face, has he been shot? I raise my head, but fail. "Don't move. You are going to be okay!" Says the police officer looking down at me. "This wasn't my fault. I don't deserve this!" Antonio yells behind us. Thank god he isn't dead, I don't want Brett in jail. "It's okay, I am fine," Brett says to me. He's okay, I am okay. I slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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