Chapter Twenty Three

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"This carrot cake is just delicious!" Yells Brett's beautiful sister, Emily. "Thank Brett's man." says Dylan to his sister. "Justin, thank you! This is beyond amazing." She says. "No problem. I can always make you one. Just let me know," I say with a huge smile. All this time I thought my cake was shit. Stalker boy kept creeping into my mind while I baked the cake. "When are you two getting married?" John says, looking at Brett and I. The whole table goes silent. My heart skips a beat, I think I'm the color of his apron again. Thank god the sun is beginning to set. Brett and I stare at each other, I bite my lip. This is way too soon. "Dad, just mind your own business." Brett says. "Brett!" Donna yells as she stands to clear the table. I don't know what to say, I look at John and quickly look away when I notice he is looking at me. "Way too soon," I manage to say. I quickly stand and help Donna and Emily clear the table.


"Justin, no. Don't wash the dishes, I will wash them!" Yells Donna from the door as she walks in with the last pile of dishes. "It's alright," I say rinsing the dish. Donna places the pile of dishes in the sink and stands and stares at me. "Justin, I am sorry for my husbands comment. He can be a little curious, that's all." Donna says. "No, it's fine. Just a father looking out for his son," I smile. Donna smiles back at me. "Please, let me finish the dishes." Donna says. Brett is at my side and wraps his arms around me. "Go out and have fun." Donna says handing me a cloth. I quickly dry my hands and hand it back to Donna. "You two are just adorable together," she says with a huge smile. "Thank you," I say as Brett leads me back outside. "Son, Justin. Can I talk to you two?" John says taking off his apron. Brett takes a seat and sits me on his lap. Brett and I look at each other. I just want to throw myself at him and kiss him, but I can't. "Look, I am sorry for earlier. You know your mom and I married at your age." John says looking at Brett and then at me. "Dad, that's you two. Justin and I are different." He says looking at me. I swear I just want to launch myself at him. "John, it is alright. We all make mistakes. No need to apologize," I say with a smile. John looks at me and then at Brett. "Alright. You two take care now. Have to help your mother clean up." He says rising from the chair. "Oh and Justin?" John turns again. "Yes?" I say with a smile. I don't want to be rude! But for crying out loud, do I even want to marry Brett? It's too early to think about that. "Please do come again and Brett, take good care of this boy." John says opening the door. "Will do, dad." Brett says holding me tighter. Brett looks at me and I can finally launch myself at him and I do.


After our farewells, Brett and I make our way to his car. "Well that was interesting," Brett says as he puts in his seatbelt. "I loved your family, they are very welcoming," I say with joy in my voice. Sure can't wait to come again. Perhaps I should make plans with Brett's sister to teach her how to make some cake. The thought makes me smile. "I want to take you somewhere." He says looking at me. "Okay," I manage to say. "Close your eyes and don't open them." He says. What in the world? I immediately close my eyes. He starts the car and drive off the mystery land. Where is he taking me? I feel like I'm in some drug lord show. "So are we like official now? That's what you told your parents," I say out of nowhere. Why did I say that? I don't want to make things awkward. "What am I going to do with you?" He says under is breath. I feel his hand on my thigh and he squeezes, I cry out with laughter. I am extremely ticklish! This is not what I was expecting. "Stop, I am ticklish!" I yell in protest. "Keep your eyes closed, we are close by." He says as he steps on the gas. The car makes a turn and a few more drives and finally I hear silence. We are finally here. Where am I? Brett is full of surprises. "Open your eyes slowly." Brett says holding my hand.

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