Chapter 1- 2years later

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Accalia's pov's

(Couple of months after she moves to California.)

It's been a couple of months since we move to California. I've missed New Jersey,and Ethan and Grayson. I know now that I at least should of gave them some sort of explanation.

The last day after I left their house they were blowing up my phone with texts saying why I was moving. I never responded to any of their texts, they try texting me the first month I was gone but after that they gradually stop texting me.

Believe me when I say this I would've text them in a heart beat, but they would of wanted some sort of explanation as to why I've never responded to them. I mean why would they want to text me, I'm pretty sure by now they would've made a new best friend and forgotten about me.

So I never texted back. I was walking home from school, I made some friends there but not like the friends I had back in New Jersey, their mostly were more like acquaintances they would say hi and I would say hi back or they would ask me if I finished my homework and I would reply with a yes and let them copy off my homework.(I hate when people do that)

I tried to make friends but they always ended up excluding me from things and then they would just simply just stop talking to me. I make it to my door step and I grab my key out of the side of my bag and put it into the key hole and turn the nob swinging the door open. I shout"I'm home!"

I could hear my mom chuckling from somewhere and she responded back with "I'm in the kitchen." I make my way toward there. Are house wasn't  fancy or any thing just a two story house and has 3 bedroom and two bathrooms.

The third bedroom is my art room in there I have drawing,portraits and just some sketches hanging on the wall. When I get there I see my mom doing something on the computer.

I kissed my mom on the cheek and look at the computer"watcha doing?" She sighs"just trying to pay some bills,sweetie." I shake my head,my mom could never relaxed she always had to worried about something.

I grab her wrist and pull her up. "Accalia,what do you think your doing?" I rolled my eyes"Come on mom,you need to relax dad will be here soon and he can finish the rest up later,we can go out to eat when he comes home."

She runs her hand threw her hair,she only does that when she stressed and let's out a sigh."okay."

We got a called 2 hours later. I run up to get the phone but my mom beats me to it. She sticks her tongue out. I say "love you too." Then I head back to the living room.

I was about to sit down when I heard something drop. I run over to my mom and I see that she drop the phone. I look back at my mom and she looked instantly paler then a few seconds ago.

I shake my mom shoulder "Mom,what's wrong?" She just points at the phone. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I hear a mans voice on the other line say"Are you still there miss Carson."

I tell him threw the phone"no,sorry this is her daughter accalia." He then says"I'm sorry." I had a confused face on"Sorry for what?' He sighs threw the phone"your father has just been into a car accidents,there was nothing we could do." Those few words just turn my world upside down. "Thank you." Then hung up the phone.

Only if I knew my dad would never come through those front door again and pick me up and kissed me on the cheek,while he asks me how my day was,and kiss my mom on lips after I finish telling him how my days was.


(2years later) 16 year old accalia

"Hurry up Accalia, We have twenty minutes before are flight leaves to New Jersey!" Yup you heard it I'm moving back to my hometown.I made sure I didn't forget anything and grab the rest of my stuff and run down the stairs.

"I'm ready!" She shakes her head and I look into my mom eyes and they were lifeless they weren't the same any more they always held some kind of spark to them Now they'd didn't have so much as life in them neither were mine. We lost the life in are eyes when the day my dad die.

That day I told my mom to take a break an hour later we got a called from the cops saying he died and that we need to identify it as his body.

They really don't know what happened to him witness says that he was walking on a cross walk and a car was driving over the speed limit just came and hit him.

He broke his neck and spine. Me and my mom cried for hours,until I finally stop crying and I told my mom,dad wouldn't want to see us like this.

So me and my mom decided that we would pretend it never happened saying that he'd come threw the front door any minute and each gives us hugs.

I shake the thoughts away and smile at my mom,she gave me smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Mom,you were the one that wanted to move back to jersey the least you can do is give me a real smile."

This time it was an actual smile I smile back at that. I look back and said"come on mom we don't got all day."


When we got off the plane, I breath in the air of New Jersey "it's good to be back,I guess." My mom says"We needed to get out of California and start a new fresh start back in jersey." We go to the luggage area and wait for are suit cases, the rest of are stuff was back at are old house.

I rolled my eyes"why would we need a new start back here, when most of our memories are here." She sighs"Look,Accaila I thought it would be a good idea for you to reconnect with old friends." 

I glared at my mom,with new found anger in me."You know the only friends I have here probably wouldn't want to see me." 

Her eyes softened "That's the reason you don't want to be here right now." She comes and hugs me and suddenly all the fight from me left and I hug her back.

"They will want to see you,especially Ethan." She even winks at me. "Mom really not this again,let's just grab are luggage and get out of here." She puts her hands up in surrender "whatever you say,I now you will end up with him sweetie."

We grab are luggage and get into my mom car and we make are way back down to are old house. Where millions of Memories were left behind.



Hey guys it's me again✌️this chapter is just A filler in CHAPTER for the next chapter❤️ Hope you like it and if you vote an comment on it.

So if you like it vote for it and if you don't like it still put a vote on it. Don't forget to follow me too ❤️😋Anyway like the Dolan twins say


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