Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning with Alex's arm wrapped around my waist. I roll over and look at him. He's still sleeping. I carefully get out of bed, trying not to wake him up. I put on a sweater and a pair of jeans and walk out of the hotel room. I take the elevator down to the lobby. When I get to the lobby I see Rene sitting in a chair reading a newspaper.
I walk over and sit in the chair next to him.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh Céline, it's you" he says startled
"Who did you think it was?"
"I don't know I wasn't paying attention" we laugh "And I'm reading the newspaper, hoping there's something in here about your show last night"
"Oh, so do you think they'd write something? I mean the show was just last night?"
"I think so, I mean it was a fantastic show"
"But don't you think it's a little early to write something already?"
"Here we go!" He points to an article, sure enough it's about the concert last night.
"Wow you were right!"
"I told you"
"Let's read it, I want to know what they said!"
"Okay okay. 'Céline Dion kicked off her Let's Talk Love tour last night in Boston. This is Dion's eighth tour and it's already showing signs of being a fantastic show. Dion was welcomed to the venue by a sold out arena and earned standing ovations at the end of the show. Bravo!' Sounds to me that they liked it"
"I guess so"
"Are you excited for the show tonight?"
"Of course"
"What about Alex have you heard from him?"
"Oh, uh yeah, he was there when I got back last night"
"Did he apologize?"
"Yeah, he said he was really sorry, he said he'll be at the show tonight"
"That's great Céline! Wait... Why are you up so early? It's 6:30 in the morning!" He says checking his watch "You hate waking up early!"
"I don't really know, I couldn't sleep after the concert last night"
"Well it was a fantastic show. And here's the proof" he says pointing to the article
"I'm actually going to go get some coffee, do you want to come with me?"
"Yeah let's go!"
We left the hotel to go get coffee. When we got back we went to Tony's room, that's usually where everyone is in the morning. We knock on the door and Tony let's us in.
"There you two are!" he says "We didn't know where you went" we laugh
"We brought coffee!" I say with a smile
"Céline you are an angel" I set the tray of coffee down on the table and everyone grabs one. Alex comes up behind me and puts his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.
"I brought you your favourite" I say to him
"Your amazing, I love you" I smile as he takes his coffee. I grab mine and sit beside him on the couch.
Almost the entire team is in here Tony's hotel room is always full. We talk about the show last  night and just make small talk.
"Well it's 7:25 now, should we go get breakfast?" Tony says and the whole room cheers, apparently they're all pretty hungry.
"Wow we'll actually have Céline at the breakfast table today, that's very rare" He looks at me and laughs
"Hey I like my sleep okay" me and Tony both laugh.
We all walk out of the hotel room and go downstairs. There's a small buffet downstairs where they're serving breakfast.
After we all get our plates and sit down at a table we talk about the show last night and the show tonight.
"Alex?" I look at him from across the table
"Are you going to be there tonight?"
"Of course"
"Alright just checking"
"I'll be there Céline"
"Good" Rene smiles at me from the end of the table, he must have thought it was funny calling them out on missing my show. Tony came for half of the show but Alex didn't come at all... I smile back at Rene and look down with a smile still on my face.
After breakfast is done some of us head back to
Tony's hotel room. We decide to watch a movie to pass some time. After the movie, I go to my hotel room to get ready for soundcheck. As I'm about to leave the room Tony calls my name.
"Can we talk to you about the show for a few minutes?"
"Yeah of course. I'll be right there" I say to Alex as he leave the room and goes to ours. "What's up?"
"Well as you know the show went fantastic, we just wanted to know if you noticed anything you wanted to change?"
"Not really, I think everything went very smoothly. The only thing I can think of is the quick changes, we need to make them a little quicker, I want to make sure I don't have to run on stage as soon as I'm done changing."
"Okay we can take care of that"
"Okay, and could we do a bit of a longer soundcheck today? Just to make sure everything's going to go well?"
"Yes definitely"
"Okay great!"
"Alright well as soon as you're ready we can start soundcheck"
"Okay I'll meet you there"
"Great" I walk out of the room, at the same time Rene comes out of his room.
"Will you be there tonight?"
"Of course I wouldn't miss it"
"Good, I like when you're there" I smile and he smiles back "If you want you can come to soundcheck?"
"Yeah I'd love too!"
"Great! It will be a little longer though, I want to make sure everything goes as planned. Plus I'll need someone to talk to while we're there"
"What about Alex?"
"He uh never liked going to soundchecks"
"Oh he's missing out, some of your soundchecks can get pretty interesting"
"You're telling me you didn't expect me to play air guitar with the band?"
"Well I'm not going to lie that was interesting, but you sound just like a guitar"
"That's what I was going for... I have to finish getting ready and then I can come get you and we can go, okay?"
"Okay" I walk back to my room and over to the mirror.
"What did they want to talk about?" Alex asks
"Oh they just wanted to know if there's anything I want to change for tonight's show"
Oh. So are you getting ready for soundcheck now?"
"Yes. By the way you don't have to come to soundcheck if you don't want to, I know you don't enjoy those"
"Yes as long as you're at the show tonight?"
"I promise I'll be there!"
"Good, I like knowing you're there" he smiles and kisses me. I turn to the mirror and fix my hair, I put on a little by of makeup and grab my purse.
"Alright the show is at 7:30, you better be there" I say to Alex
"I promise!"
"I mean it"
"I know, have fun at soundcheck"
"I will" I kiss his cheek and walk out the door.
I knock on Rene's room and he opens the door. "Let's go!" he smiles at me...

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