Chapter 33

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"Céline..." I hear Rene say as he begins kissing me all over. "Honey, wake up" he says as I slowly open my eyes.
"Morning" I whisper, still tired.
"Good morning my love" he says as he kisses my forehead.
"What time is it?"
"Isn't today our day off?"
"Well then why are you awake, come back to bed" I groan as I close my eyes.
"No no no, stay awake, and get dressed, I have something planned"
"You do?" I sit up, smiling at him "What is it?"
"It's a surprise, now come on get ready"
"Well how am I supposed to get ready when I don't know where we're going or what we're doing?"
"I had your stylist drop of some dresses, he brought over a few for you to choose from" he laughs and point to the chair in the corner of the room. There's 3 dress bags laying on the chair.
I get out of bed and walk over to the chair to look at the dresses. "I'll be out here when you're ready, take your time" he says as he kisses my cheek before leaving the room.
I unzip the bags, laying each dress on the bed.
The first dress is long and red with off the shoulder sleeves.
The second dress is a dark blue colour, simple but beautiful.
The third dress is the one that catches my eye. It's beautiful. I put it on and walk over to the mirror. It's long and fitted. The upper right side of the dress has a ruffled detail, the rest of the dress is simple, not a lot of detail, but absolutely beautiful. I admire the dress in the mirror for a bit before going to finish getting ready. I do my hair and put on some makeup, then I put on a bracelet that I think will go well with the dress. I look myself over in the mirror one last time, making sure everything looks perfect before I walk out of the bedroom.
As soon as I walk out of the room Rene smiles at the sight of me. "You look breathtaking, so beautiful" he says sad he walks over to me.
"You like it?" I smile, gesturing to the dress.
"I love it... but I love you more" he says as he leans in to kiss me.
"I love you too"
"Are you ready to go?" He asks as he takes my hand.
"Yeah, let's go"
We arrive at our first stop, a cafe. It's a quiet little place, fancy but not too fancy. We order some coffee and take a seat.
"Okay, so I'm assuming we didn't get all dressed up to go for coffee, so can you tell me what we're doing?" I smile at him, trying to convince him to tell me what he has planned.
"Nope, it's a surprise, you'll see"
"Fine" I laugh a little, so does he.
"I will say, it's about farther away so it's going to take us a while to get there. But I think it will be worth it"
"We're almost here" Rene says as he squeezes my hand lightly.
We're on our way to the surprise Rene has planned. We've been driving for almost two hours and I still have no idea where he's taking me.
"We're here" Rene says excitedly as he gets out of the car. He walks over to my door and opens it, letting me out. I look at where we are, a small charming inn. He takes my hand and we walk towards the inn.
"Well here we are"
"It's beautiful Rene" I say as I look at the building, it's small and very charming, it's a beautiful place.
"Welcome to the Dragonfly Inn, I've stayed here lots of times before and I've always loved it, I thought you would too. They host events out here all the time and I always thought it was so beautiful so I booked it for the night and had it all set up for you and I, so follow me" he takes my hand leading us inside.
"Mr. Angelil, welcome back, this must be the special lady you told us about" a woman says with a bright smile.
"Yes, this is Céline" Rene says with a smile.
"Nice to meet you Céline, my name is Carol" the lady says as she reaches to shake my hand.
"Very nice to meet you Carol, this place is beautiful"
"Thank you very much. Well everything is all set up outside, so head on out whenever you're ready" she says with a smile.
"Thank you" Rene says as he takes my hand leading me to the door that leads out back.
We walk out the door and I'm blown away at everything out here, it's absolutely beautiful. There's a small stage where a band is set up, an open bar, and a dance floor, there's also a table set up for Rene and I.
"You had this set up for us?" I say in amazement.
"I did, do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it" I say before I kiss him.
"I'm glad! Well, shall we?" He says as he leads me down the steps over to the table. A waiter walks over and puts us a glass of wine.
"I had them make your favourite food by the way"
"Thank you" I smile at him.
After we eat, the band begins playing. "Would you like to dance?" Rene asks me.
"Of course" I place my hand in his and we walk out onto the dance floor.
Everything is so perfect, this is the perfect way to spend our day off. We haven't had any time off in a while, the tour has kept all of us busy, even when we do have time off we usually spend it trying to improve upon things. It's nice to just relax and spend time with Rene.
The song ends and Rene and I turn to the band. We applaud them.
"I'm going to get more wine, I will be right back" Rene says, kissing my cheek before leaving.
I'm having a conversation with the band when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and am shocked at what I see.
I hope this chapter was better than the last few I've done, they haven't been the best, I'm awful at writing filler chapters. But anyway I hope you liked this one, it's still not the best but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. ❤️ Let me know what you think :)

(This is the dress I imagined Céline wearing in this chapter)

(This is the dress I imagined Céline wearing in this chapter)

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