Chapter 21

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When we get to the bar I look for Alex and see him in a booth beside Tony, on the other side of the booth are two of my backup singers, Elise and Cheryl.
"I'll uh catch up with you later okay?" I say to Rene, he nods and walks away. I walk up to the booth slowly, I trust Elise, after all she's been my backup singer for as long as I can remember, she's practically family. Cheryl on the other hand is new, I haven't gotten the chance to get to know her that well.
When Alex sees me he becomes silent and gives me a small smile. Maybe I'm crazy but he looks almost like he's guilty of something.
"Hi honey" he finally speaks
"Hi..." I stare at him and I stare at Cheryl. She's young, long dark hair, pretty. She smiles at me.
"Céline you were phenomenal tonight!"
"Thank you so much Cheryl" I smile, but something still feels off. "Elise can you come with me to get a drink?" I say grabbing her hand basically pulling her off her seat. We walk over to the bar.
"Hi what can I get for you ladies?" The bartender asks.
"Can I just get some water please" I answer
"Of course m'am coming right up"
"Céline I swear you're the only person I know who orders water at a bar" Elise laughs, I laugh too, but she gives me a strange look. "Hey you okay?"
"I don't really know"
"What's going on?"
"It's just-" the bartender brings over my drink.
"Thank you, how much?" I say searching through my purse for my wallet.
"It's on the house Ms. Dion" he winks
"Well thank you very much" I smile back at him. I look to Elise who is still waiting for me to tell her what's wrong.
"Oh right... it's just, you were there did Alex and Cheryl seem a little strange to you?"
"Why do you think I was sitting there?"
"Oh my gosh so I'm not crazy you noticed it too"
"Of course I did, but listen Céline I'm sure it's nothing. I don't think Alex would cheat on you, especially not with your backup singer"
"Well then I guess you don't know Alex that well"
"Oh my gosh! Has he cheated on you before?!"
"Shhh keep your voice down... and not that I know of, but I've definitely had my suspicions"
"Tell me about it" I say as I take a drink "Ugh I think I need something stronger than this"
"You sure Céline?"
"Yes I'm sure, with the night I'm having I need it"
"Okay but don't go to strong, you don't drink much, you'll regret it in the morning"
"Okay um... help I don't do this often what do I order?" Elise flags down a bartender.
"What can I get for you?"
"Something strong enough to give a light buzz but not too strong" she says
"Got it, be right back" he disappears behind the bar. He comes back a few moments later, and sets down the drink.
"Well bottoms up" Elise says as she clinks her glass against mine. I take a sip of the mystery drink, I cough as the liquid burns the back of my throat. Elise laughs at me.
"How is it?"
"Strong" I say coughing
"Let me see" she takes a sip. "Oh Céline that's mild, try mine"
"I'll pass" we laugh as we walk back to the booth.
Alex looks at me and Elise as we approach the booth. I sit down beside her. Alex looks uncomfortable. We sit in an awkward silence until Tony decides to start a conversation.
"So how is everyone enjoying the tour?"
"It's amazing, as usual" Elise says.
"I'm having the time of my life" Cheryl  says excitedly. Alex smiles big at her, she winks at him, and he only stops smiling when he meets my eyes. I quickly drink the rest of my drink and stand up. "I need a refill" I announce loudly to the table. I walk to the bar and ask the bartender for something stronger. Everytime I finished a drink I ordered something stronger. Bad idea.
After a few drinks I heard a song playing and decided to dance. Once again... bad idea. I start dancing, by myself, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Rene.
"Céline what are you doing?" He asks looking concerned.
"Are you drunk?"
"Yes you are, I can smell it... come one we have to get you out of here"
"I don't want to go" I say as my head starts to spin, I struggle to keep my balance.
"Céline? You okay?"
"I don't feel good" I say as the room goes dark.

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